*part four*

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third person pov

a week later

it was about eight-thirty in the kim-park household. the kids were getting ready for bed, taking baths, and changing into their pj's. mingi, san, wooyoung, and jongho all got their baths already. now waiting for yunho and yeosang to finish their baths while watching disney jr.

mingi had been coughing throughout the day. seonghwa got worried that his asthma was acting up, so he called the doctor. but the doctor told him not to bring him in unless he starts running out of breath too quickly, or wheezing. so seonghwa just gave mingi cough drops and tea every now and then.

but right now. mingi was a coughing fit. san and wooyoung were patting his back, thinking he choked on his spit or something. and jongho watched, concerned.

but realization soon his san when mingi started crying and wheezing.

"MAMA. PAPA" san yelled

seonghwa and hongjoong immediately ran downstairs to see mingi trying to catch his breath, wheezing and crying uncontrollably. hongjoong immediately ran to the kitchen to grab the boys quick relief inhaler. he quickly put it up to mingis mouth

"just like you learned baby come on. breathe in for papa" hongjoong said, trying to stay calm so he doesn't freak the kids out even more.

"seonghwa call nine-one-one. now." hongjoong ordered. though seonghwa already had his phone pulled out just in case.

mingi was still wheezing and couldn't breathe in for his medicine. at this point yunho and yeosang had quickly hopped out of the bath and put on pants before running down stares. yunho ran over to jongho who was crying, while yeosang stayed near san and wooyoung.

it wasn't long before they heard sirens.

"boys go to the stairs. now" seonghwa ordered strictly, making his way to open the door.

the emts made their way into the house, putting mingi on a stretcher and putting an oxygen mask on his face. the emts kept repeating things to mingi, trying to help him.

"i'm going. bring them in the van" hongjoong said, following the emts to the ambulance truck.

seonghwa turned toward the boys, who were all hugging and crying.

"you two go get clothes on. you guys come put your sandals on. quickly come on." seonghwa demanded. the boys rushed to do as they were told and gathered in the van.

"mama... is min gonna be okay?" san asked from the back seat

"yeah baby... he's gonna be okay. the doctors are gonna do everything they can." seonghwa said. hoping what he said was true

"mith gi" jongho cried, yunho held his hand and kept wiping his tears

jongho had an attachment to mingi. he needed his bubba gi.

the family arrived to the hospital and rushes in. immediately they see hongjoong standing by the entrance. he takes jongho from seonghwas arms, letting the older breathe and catch his breath.

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