*Part ninety-six pt. two*

973 31 46

third person pov


WARNING: teen pregnancy, mention of under age sex

because yeji's moms were on their anniversary vacation, the only parents they could tell were yunho's. which was probably a safer option anyway having that they knew how to handle bad news extremely well.

hongjoong had texted yunho back and said that right now seonghwa is still at the bank, but he'd text him when he's home. so now the couple has to wait, yet again.

"would you want to maybe keep it, or anything? like what would you want to do" yeji asked quietly

"it's not up to me, love" yunho responded in the same quiet voice

"i feel like we should both have a say. i mean it wouldn't be in there without both of us" yeji said

"hmm, well what do you want to do"

"... adoption, or um... abortion. maybe"

yeji wasn't sure if she would be able to handle an abortion, yunho wasn't sure if either of them could handle it. but at the end of the day, he isn't going to tell yeji what to do with her body. he's better than that.

"if that what you'd want to do, i told you that i'll love and support you no matter what. and i mean it" yunho said, looking into yeji's eyes. you could see all the emotion they held.

"i love you" yeji stated

"i love you more"

it wasn't long before the group chat started going.

yunho. yeji.



what happened

wdym. what am i missing

papa told me you texted him and told him you guys needed to talk to him and mama

how is this abnormal?

usually papa-joong is never worried enough to tell the other kids about situations

and, never has yunho texted our dads telling them they need to talk privately. he usually waits until he's home to talk to them

it's nothing

it's obviously something.

just don't worry about it. it's not your business

i'm just worried

well don't be.

will you two quit. yea this is yeji and yunho's business. but at the same time yeji should have a say if sang knows or not too

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