*Part twenty-nine*

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third person pov

"kids! the bang family is here" hongjoong yelled from the livingroom, having that the kids were scattered all around the house and he didn't wanna go on a child hunt.

mingi and jongho ran up from the basement. wooyoung, yunho, and yeosang all came downstairs. san walked down after everyone else, not really caring. the bang family is no different, other than the fact that minho and chan are already off to college and changbin is moving to his campus this upcoming week.

"happy birthday jongho" jeongin smiled, showing off his new braces, while handing him a birthday present

"thanks innie"

"chan and minho wanted us to give you this, they said they're sorry for not being able to come" mrs. bang pouted sadly as she handed the ten year old a small box

"it's okay, tell them i said thank you!" jongho smiled brightly

"nice braces jeongin" yunho smiled as he ruffled the boys hair

"he hates them. he always complains about them hurting" jisung groaned dramatically

"did they hurt when you got them on?" jongho asked

"no, they just hurt after. i cant even eat fried chicken. i have to eat soft foods" jeongin whined

"that sounds like torture" jongho gasped

"it'll feel better soon" seonghwa smiled "you guys can go play, the cake will be here soon and then you can open presents"

the kids all separate to their desired rooms, jongho, jeongin, felix, mingi, and wooyoung run downstairs to play air hockey. san walks up to his room, while yunho and yeosang go into the gaming room with the rest of the boys, showing changbin their new ps5.

"hey so i actually wanted to talk to you guys about something" mrs. bang said

you might be wondering 'where's mr. bang?' or not because you don't care, but he's on a business trip. but he facetimed jongho the previous night to wish him a happy birthday.

"yeah what's up?" seonghwa smiled

"so the boys have been pretty vocal about their concerns toward san..."

"oh you mean his attitude changes?" hongjoong said

"sort of, i guess san just, doesn't talk to any of them anymore. hyunjin was pretty upset when san started ignoring him"

"san ignored him?!" seonghwa asked

"yeah, he was texting him and san kept leaving him on read. and then at school he would try to ask san something and he just didn't say anything to him" mrs. bang  said, with a worried look plastered on her face

"we'll talk to him about it" hongjoong nodded

"i would suggest doing it tomorrow or something, i don't want jonghos tenth birthday to be a train wreck" the parents all nodded and went back to setting up gifts and talking about whatever it is that parent talk about

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