*Part seventy-seven*

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third person pov

it's been about a week or so since kyungmi's arrival, she's doing really well. there are still things she's kind of shy and awkward about. for example, bathing. kyungmi is still too young to bath by herself. and it wasn't that she didn't trust hongjoong and seonghwa, she did, she was just shy. but the parents understand this, and they always make sure she's okay with doing anything before they do it.

the middle schoolers were still in school until tomorrow, so kyungmi got to hang out with wooyoung and jongho today, and meet jongho's not-so-new friends.

"kyungmi, this is chenle and jangmi. you know jeongin"

"holy crap you're so cute" chenle cooed as the girls cheeks turned a light pink

"hi" she said while waving "our names sound the same"

"i know, pretty cool right" jangmi smirked playfully as the younger giggled

"seungmin, ryujin, and chaeryeong are gonna come over here soon too mimi, so you'll have other girls to be around" wooyoung smiled

"and yuna" seonghwa butt in. the girls eyes sparkled hearing her new best friends name. she smiled brightly and hung out with jangmi until yuna would arrive.

yuna and the other hwang sisters mentioned arrived with seungmin. kyungmi and yuna immediately ran to the youngers room, talking about lord knows what. chaeryeong and ryujin laugh at the girls excited nature and start talking with jangmi.

"i made a fruit platter if anyone wants some" hongjoong announced as he came down with the two youngest girls. they ran into the kitchen to steal fruit.

"don't eat all the watermelon" seonghwa dragged the little girl away from the fruit. she held two pieces of watermelon in her hand. the group of friends all chuckled and left the watermelon for kyungmi.

"papa-joong. thank you for the food" ryujin bowed her head dramatically

"you're welcome ryu, eat now" hongjoong laughed

after a while the kids gathered back into the living room, yuna and kyungmi stayed but they weren't really listening to the conversations.

"i'm just saying, if zombies were to happen i would feed wooyoung to them first" ryujin said so casually

"you look like a zombie" wooyoung grumbled

"and you smell like one" ryujin fought back

"i just showered! do i smell bad?" wooyoung asked franticly, chaeryeong laughed and shook her head no.

"okay guys, i hate to ruin the fun but your parents are here to pick you up" seonghwa announced as he entered the room.

the kids frowned and pouted but got all their stuff and left. now kyungmi was stuck with the boys again. hongjoong had to be in the studio today, and seonghwa had a video conference. the girl got bored so she just took a nap, on the kitchen floor. as one does.


"how long do you thinks she's been there?"

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