*Part thirty-four*

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third person pov

TW // pt. 2 to last chapter (self harm and depression)

"so now what" seonghwa whispered

"i'm not sure" hongjoong responded

the two were in their room, it's two in the morning, but they can't sleep. all the kids are asleep, yunho insisted on sleeping in sans room with him. jongho refused to sleep, but he fell asleep on the couch in the living room. mingi cried himself to sleep, so did yeosang.

the parents didn't want to tell the rest of the kids about san, but yunho walked in on seonghwa and san taking about it. so with san's permission, they had a family meeting where they disgust it and set some boundaries.

after the parents checked sans room for any sharp objects, they found a razor blade and a pocket knife. they made sure san felt comfortable in his own room, sent yunho in there, let them watch a movie. they gave san his phone back, but they said they would go through it and set even more boundaries tomorrow. san wasn't going to complain, he understood his families worries. but the worst part of it all, is that san isn't upset that he did it in the first place, he was just upset that his family found out about it.

"he's just a kid, not even a teenager yet. and he-" hongjoong cut himself off with a soft sob leaving his lips. seonghwa grabbed him and hugged him as if the world was ending in that very moment.

"he's gonna get through it. yeah? we'll take him back to therapy again, we'll talk to professionals to see what we can do okay? we'll be okay. he's gonna be okay" seonghwa reassured the smaller as best as he could, but he knew he couldn't promise anything.

the parents settled down and went to sleep around three in the morning, holding each other like never before. they wanted nothing more than to hold san, but he wanted to sleep in his room with yunho. maybe tomorrow, they hoped tomorrow.

the next morning, no one went to school or work. seonghwa called in last night and explained what happened to the principal, he hated that he had too. hongjoong called into his and seonghwas company, explaining everything. they have a meeting to go when they're 'healed' to talk about hiatus'. seonghwas been on a small hiatus, but there's talk of extending it.

"can i go back to bed" mingi asked after he ate 'breakfast' which was left over pizza.

"yeah baby go ahead" hongjoong said sweetly. mingi nodded, kissed his parents on the cheeks, then ran upstairs

"you doin okay?" seonghwa asked san, who was sitting next to him

"yeah" san said, the boy just kept his head down

"you wanna go for a walk?" seonghwa whispered

san shook his head, seonghwa nodded. it was so quiet, in the worst way possible. no one knew what to say, especially the kids. i mean what are you supposed to say in a situation like this?

"i'm sorry" san spoke, everyone looked at him confused

"s-stop it" yeosang said "s-stop a-apologizing! you ha-have nothing to be s-sorry about!"

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