*Part sixty-four*

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third person pov


"can jangmi, chenle, and jeongin come over" jongho asked as he walked down the stairs

"don't we have enough people in this house" mingi chuckled as he took his juice box and ran upstairs

"i think i agree with mingi on that" hongjoong laughed slightly as he helped put groceries away

"jjong should be able to have his friends over. yeosang and i have renjun and yeji over just about everyday." yunho shrugged, grabbing an apple from the basket, then running back upstairs

"exactly" jongho pointed "and yeosang and renjun aren't even here"

yeosang wanted to stay at renjuns for the weekend, complaining that his house is 'a headache and a half'. which couldn't really be argued with.

"you can have them over jjong, papa was just messing around" seonghwa playfully rolled his eyes

"yay! thank you" jongho kissed his parents on the cheek while grabbing the grocery bags and setting the food on the counter

"you're welcome, are their parents dropping them off?" hongjoong smiled

"they're all riding with jeongin" jongho nodded

"yeji and her mom will be here soon and i don't know what to wear" yunho said rushing into the kitchen. the parents laughed and jongho just looked at him like he was stupid "why are you looking at me like that"

"you could wear a literal trash bag and she'd still give you those goo goo eyes" jongho rolled his eyes, making the parents laugh harder.

"you have a point sweetie, but this is their first real date. you can't blame him for wanting to look nice" hongjoong laughed out, holding onto the youngest shoulder and slighting messaging them.

yunho and yeji realized on thursday that they never went on an actual date. even though they're thirteen, can't drive, can't drink, can't really do anything older people do on actual dates do. they can carpool with yeji's mom. so the plan is movie theater, and then dinner, and then go to yeji's house.

"i'll help you, come on" seonghwa smiled before following his son up to his room.

"why do people go on dates" jongho asked

"hm, well different reasons. i guess to be alone, get to know each other-"

"but yunho and yeji are alone together like, everyday. and they grew up together. so why do they need to go on a date" jongho was genuinely confused, and when he put it like that, hongjoong was kind of confused too.

"well. people like to go on them just for fun, to be romantic i guess" the dad smiled

"then what do you and mama do on your dates" the boy had a lot of questions

"well, we usually have a nice dinner. we go swimming sometimes, just spending time together" hongjoong explained

"okay, but why do we have to go to mawmaw and pawpaw's over night every time you go on a date" so many questions.

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