*Part fifty-six*

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third person pov

TW: self harm, blood, puking

"i'm sorry" he cried. he's been crying for hours, he felt weak again. he's back into his bad habits. and all because he decided to read the comments underneath his christmas post. all because he decided to search his name on twitter, all because he left his old scars un-edited in an instagram post.

"sannie, i have to get-"

"n-no, don't leave me. please" he cried, he didn't want to let his brother go

"l-let me text yunho" mingi got out his phone, still holding onto san, still letting him cry into his chest, feeling him tremble as if he was in an ice box.

within a few seconds, yunho ran into the bedroom, seeing the scene, and then immediately running back out. there was blood everywhere, seven moderate cuts, plus three deeper ones will do that. mingi didn't care about the blood, he needed to make sure san would stay here, with him.

it didn't take long at all for hongjoong and seonghwa to come running in. the older parent let out a sob as soon as he saw the state of his child, running to grab the first aid kit to try and stop the bleeding. yunho was instructed to call the ambulance.

mingi didn't realize how much blood his brother was losing at the moment. he couldn't really fathom what was going on.

"fuck san" hongjoong cried, he tried grabbing the boy from mingis arms, but the younger refused "mingi, sweetie you- you gotta let him go for papa"

mingi just shook his head as tears rolled down his face. it was almost like he was froze, like a statue sculpted to protect san.

"honey, i'm not gonna hurt him, come one baby. look at papa" hongjoong tried soothing mingi into letting go of san, who at this point was just as numb as mingi. mingi turned his head as seonghwa rushed in with the white box. "there you go sweetie, let him go"

mingis grip loosened around the short boy finally snapping out of whatever trance he was in. realizing how much blood was on him, realizing how fast this situation was actually moving. because it all felt like slow motion to him, like he was on some acid trip. he let seonghwa take san from his arms, now in the state of realization, he looked around.

looking at san, how vulnerable and pale he looked. looking in the doorway, seeing yunho crying on the phone with the operator. looking at hongjoong who was trying to calm both himself and mingi down, but his words were blocked out by a ringing in the boys ear. he looked at seonghwa, who was crying and trying really hard to stop the blood. the blood. so much blood.

mingi scooted away from sans limp body, that was being help by his taller dad. he was frantic, he breathing was rapid, and he felt sick to his stomach. he got up as fast as he could and ran to the bathroom, flipping the toilet lip up and puking into the bowl.

wooyoung ran into the bathroom, tears running down his cheeks, but ignoring his own grief to help mingi, rubbing his back, his head, and his arm. he backed away from the toilet, and the last thing he saw before blacking out was wooyoung shouting for help.


"is h-he a-alright?"

"he'll be okay, he was just dehydrated, mixed with the trauma of the situation. the doctor said it just didn't mix well"

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