*Part thirty-nine*

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third person pov

(due to san's recent loss, this chapter will not be based on him. it will be following wooyoung around. this is a filler)

wooyoung woke up in yeosangs empty bed, they must've woken up already. he didn't know where to go, what to do. his parents were busy with san and mingi, his brothers were busy worrying about san and mingi. he was worried about san and mingi. but he didn't want to think about it, if he did, he'd probably vomit.

he walked out of yeosangs room, and headed towards his own. passing mingi's room. seeing the lights off and the door left ajar. when usually mingi would have his led lights lit fun colors, music usually playing, or a movie. he knew it was only like that because he wasn't in there, but it felt like a piece of his day was missing.

once walking into his room, he just kind of looked around. his lego's that he had built with seonghwa were on display on his dresser. his video games that went into his switch were lined up nicely on his shelf, his bts and seventeen signed albums and seasons greeting on display on the shelf above them. and above that was his baby books.

can't hurt looking through those, right?

baby books for adopted kids was a big different. or at least they were in the kim-park house hold. unless you were yunho, your first baby book was pictures that the orphanage and/or police department could bundle up for the parents to keep. the seocond book was your first year in the house. and the third book wasn't really a baby book, just two pictures from every year until you're eighteen, as the kids get older they can decorate it and choose the pictures of them and their friends to their liking.

wooyoung picked up the second book. he can't really remember much from his first year, he wasn't even two years old when he was first adopted. so he grabbed the third book too.

the first picture he was when he opened the second book, was a picture of him and hongjoong. hongjoong was on the couch sleeping with wooyoung sprawled across his torso, drilling on his white t-shirt while he slept as well.

"hm, so i was always cute" he said to himself.

he flipped through the pictures. him and his brothers. his favorite being a picture of him and san holding hands at the beach. he also like the picture of him and his grandma, seonghwas mom, on the first day they met. he set a remind to have seonghwa get the pictures reprinted or scanned so he can keep it forever.

"what're you doing?" wooyoung turned his head toward the voice, seeing yunho standing in the door way. he looked pale, and fragile. some words that wooyoung would usually never use to describe his oldest brother.

"looking at my baby book" wooyoung shrugged.

"cute... you know, you used to have the cutest lisp when you were younger" yunho smiled at the memories as he sat next to his brother and watched him flip through the book

"yeah i remember. i used to hate it" wooyoung said

"hey, that lisp and yeosangs stutter is what got me into my first fight" yunho smirked, trying to look cool

"your first, and your last" wooyoung sassed back

"yeah probably" the older chuckled as they started flipping through the book again. seeing how small they used to all be, it was so weird to think that it was actually them.

"i wish we never grew up" wooyoung said in such a small voice, you'd think he was talking to himself. and in some ways, he was, but he wanted yunho to hear it.

"why's that?" the taller asked

"things were so much more simpler when all we did was poop in our diapers and learn the alphabet" yunho chuckled at wooyoungs words

"it might seem like that... but mingi used to have bad asthma attacks, which is scary for little kids. san used to have these terrible nightmares-"

"and now he's trying to-"

"don't." yunho warned "yeosangs stuttering was a lot worse. mama and papa were so new to everything that they struggled so much. it was never better it's always been this way. and sure somethings then were better than they are now. but some things now are better than before. trust me, there was never a peaceful moment in this house. except for when it was only me" yunho smirked at the last part.

"do you ever feel like you've failed at something, even though you know it isn't really your fault?" wooyoung hit a little too close to home for yunhos liking.


"i feel like that" the shorter pouted "i'm really close with sannie, i should've talked to him more. i should've stepped in whenever i could"

"none of this is anyone's fault youngie" yunho hugged the small boy, seeing the tears roll down his cheek hurt him too much to just sit there.

"i can't remember the last time i saw any of us smile like we mean it" he whispered

"i know bub. i know. it'll get bett-"

"no! it won't. we always say that! but it never does. nothing ever gets better" wooyoung cried

yeosang and jongho were in the hallway when they heard all of this, so they decided to walk in. yunho held his brother close, jongho laid his head on his shoulder, and yeosang hugged him from behind.

"w-we know it's hard y-youngie." yeosang spoke softly "b-but we have t-to k-keep it to-together for a little l-longer"

"i don't think i can anymore" the small boys lip wobbled and his voice shook.

"you're doing so well woo, we're always here for you" yunho whispered

"we believe in you, just like you've always believed in us" jongho said

suddenly memories started flowing into the boys' brains. wooyoung cheering on jongho while he sung and hit high notes. him being yunhos biggest fan when it came to dance competitions. he would always listen to mingi's raps even if it was three in the morning. always helping yeosang read books that he himself didn't even understand. always standing next to san in his most nerve wrecking moment because he knows how much he will want head pats after a job well done. helping mama pick out outfits for modeling gigs and interviews. always supporting papa and his music with every comeback he works on.

he never realizes it, but wooyoung is really the families biggest cheerleader. always the happy pill that gets peoples day off to a good start. it'll take a while for him to realize his impact, but it's there. his brothers all see it. everyone on social media sees it. his teachers see it. his parent see it.

wooyoung is really in everyone's heart, whether they like it or not.

[to be continued]

[not proof read]

[i cried again sorry.]

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