*Part thirty-five*

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third person pov

"you okay min?" wooyoung asked after he looked over and saw the boy looking back at the theater door every five seconds, his hands were rubbing together, and his face was basically covered with anxiety

"yeah" mingi lied, nodding his head at his little brother

"mingi..." yunho warned

"i'm just worried about san" mingi broke, taking a deep breath as if he just let off ten years of worry off his shoulders. it felt like he did.

"he's okay, mama and papa searched the whole house for anything dangerous" jongho said

"y-yep. everything k-kid proof" yeosang smiled.

"if you're worried hyung, just go check on him. but if you smell his poop run" wooyoung joked. the boys all chuckled, including mingi. and then mingi ran off to the bathroom to check on his brother

reaching the bathroom door, mingi knocked on it, praying his brother was okay. maybe he knocked too quietly, because san wasn't saying anything. he didn't hear anything. so he knocked again, this time louder. and then again. louder. nothing.

"san-ah!" mingi called out

"yes?" san said from behind mingi

"oh fu- how'd you get there"

"i went to get us all snacks, i didn't know i left the bathroom light on though. you okay?" san held up snacks

"are you?" mingi asked

"i will be at some point i'm sure" san shrugged, that hurt mingi in so many ways. "don't worry too much please, it'll only make me feel worse about everything."

"what do you mean?" mingi asked

"let's go give these to the rest, then i wanna talk to you" san said as he handed a bag of chips and some bottles of pepsi to mingi.

the boys walk to the theater, gave the boys the snacks, then walked to sans room. san decided he would bring a bag of chips and their own pepsi's. so he set the snacks on his bed next to mingi, and then went to turn on his led lights.

"what'd you wanna talk about?" mingi asked as he stuck a chip into his mouth.

"i wanted to say sorry for saying mean things to you and about you. i didn't mean to hurt your feelings-"

"dude, you think i'm mad about that still? if i knew what you were going through sooner i would've never been upset. but now that i do know, i know you probably weren't in a good headspace. i know you didn't mean any of it. san, you're the person i've looked up to, and wanted to be my whole life. so yes, i was upset when you said those things. but, you're my brother, and you're struggling. so now i'm here to help you, even if you hurt my feelings along the way." mingi rambled

"you look up to me?" san asked, surpried, because he's always envied mingi, and has always wanted to be him.

"well not literally, metaphorically yes. you had a few therapy session when you were little, and occasional sessions throughout the years. but other than that, you're appointment free. you get good grades, everyone drools over you in school. which is gross but still, cool as hell. you have these two older friends. you can go and play sports and dance without having to worry about carrying an inhaler. you don't get anxiety attacks like i've been getting lately." mingi went on and on.

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