*Part fifty-eight*

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third person pov

"wake up, he's awake"


"san's awake"

mingi immediately shot up, seeing seonghwa smiling widely.

"he's awake? like actually?" mingi asked, in complete disbelief

"come on" seonghwa helped him out of the lobby chair, walking as fast as they could to the hospital room.

it's been over twenty four hours since they came into the hospital, now three in the morning and san is awake. the parents were notified at two that he was awake, but the doctors needed to do testing, and check ups before the family could see him. they woke everyone up when they were told they could visit, mingi is stubborn when it comes to sleep so he was the last one awake.

"you have to be gentle, be quiet, you know the drill" seonghwa said once they reached the door

"yeah. open it please" mingi begged, seonghwa smiled and opened the door.

the door opening made everyone in the room stop their conversations and look. san laid there on the bed, a wrapping bandage wrapped around his his left arm where the cuts are either stitched up or just cleaned. needles in his arm for fluids, the, what jongho calls, beepy screen, was well, beeping. and san smiled a little

"you're finally awake" san said

"says you" mingi said as he gently hugged his brother, making him laugh. "you doing okay, other than being here"

"have you told any of them?" san asked the two parents who were standing to the side. they shook their heads as the kids looked between the three of them confused "can you?"

seonghwa let out a sigh, of sadness because, "we're sending san to a mental hospital"

"what, no" yunho said immediately

"you can't, he's b-been c-clean" yeosang argued

"and when he relapsed he got put into a hospital" hongjoong said, because let's be honest, just because you're clean for a while doesn't mean you're necessarily safe from your own thoughts and actions.

"his therapist and doctor have been in here talking to him for the past hour, they both suggested it would be best" seonghwa said, as soothingly as he could

"so what, you're sending him to a psych ward because his therapist can't help him? find a new therapist, medication, something" yunho started raising his voice

"yunho-" san was cut off

"no, you aren't a crazy person, san, you don't belong in a white room where they watch you do everything from brushing your teeth to taking a shower. you're not a psychopath, you aren't crazy-"

"i'm a danger to my own self, yunho, i don't necessarily want to go either. but it's better then being in a hospital all the time because i decided to cut my skin open" san said

"so you'd rather be in a white room, no hoodie strings, no shower currents, no nothing. that how you want to live?" yunho raised his voice slightly, mingi's anxiety was going crazy and had to leave the room. so he did, yeosang following behind

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