*Part eighty-eight*

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third person pov


after another two weeks, everyone seemed to be fine. yeosang was smiling again, acting fine and everything. he deleted a bunch of instagram posts, the ones with just renjun.

san officially came out as pansexual, after doing research that's what he felt comfortable with. hongjoong was really proud of san, everyone was.

oh, and it turns out jisung didn't see hyunjin's vape. he gave the shirt a weird look because he never saw it before. so heyunjin was pretty happy about that.

the friend group was sitting at lunch. yunho, hyunjin, and yeosang having a mini debate over some strange movie while yeji was texting her aunt. "guys, my cousins are moving here" she said excitedly

"you have cousins?" hyunjin asked

"you don't?" yeosang questioned

"no, do you?"

"yes" yunho and yeosang said at the same time

"do your parents not have siblings or?" yeji laughed

"my mom is the only child, my dad has an older brother but he's a gay man with no desire to have children"

"oh my god, yeosang it's like an older version of you" yunho laughed when the younger rolled his eyes and flipped him off

"you don't want kids?" hyunjin asked

"i'm fourteen-"

"no like when you're older" hyunjin clarified

"if you grew up with wooyoung, san, and mingi living in the same house as you would you want kids?" yeosang questioned

"point proven"

"okay shut up this is about me" yeji said making the three boys chuckled. yunho wrapped him arm around her waist and waited for her to talk "i have three cousins. mina, junho, and eunhee. junho is the only boy and he's in our grade. mina is a sophomore, and eunhee is in wooyoungs grade"

"haha, you're gonna have four boys around again" hyunjin laughed and pointed

"suck a dick" yeji said

"i'm straight" hyunjin said

yeosang scrunched his eyes together and looked at his friend "you are?"

yeji and yunho busted out laughing while hyunjin sat there with a confused expression. "you thought i was gay this whole time?" hyunjin asked

"bisexual" yeosang corrected "usually my gay-dar is always right" he pouted

"you're what"

"gay-dar" yunho said "it's like spidey-senses but with gay people"

"you're the only straight one here" yeosang realized "ew"

"i'm aware" hyunjin nodded and laughed

yeji came out as bisexual not too long ago, yeosang dated a guy, and everyone has always known that yunho wasn't only into girls.

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