*Part sixty-five*

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third person pov

"hi yeji, yunho is upstairs" jongho smiled opening the door, seeing the girl standing there awkwardly

"thanks jjong" she smiled and ruffled the boys hair before walking in

"hey sweetie" hongjoong smiled from the couch

"hi papa-joong" yeji waved before walking upstairs.

yeji sighed and knocked on yunho's door, hearing his music and singing from the room. the girl smiled a little hearing his voice. he's always had an amazing, and quite versatile voice. yunho turned his music down before yelling 'come in', causing her to sigh again before walking in. and there's yunho shirtless.

"hey" she said awkwardly

"hey, i didn't expect you to get here this quick, figured you'd be eating lunch" yunho said as he threw his shirt into the hamper before grabbing a hoodie

the girl just shrugged and sat on the bed "we had an early lunch" she said in a small voice. yunho just nodded and turned on their shared playlist, yes they have a shared playlist, then sitting at the end of the bed to face her.

"i'm sorry, if i made it seem like i was flirting with her, or if it looked like i was letting her flirt with me. i really didn't notice, and i would never do that" yunho jumped right into it.

"yeah, i figured. i guess i was just in a crappy mood with everything from that morning. i'm sorry i accused you of that"

yeji had explained to yunho how everything was going wrong that morning. chaeryeong dropped her phone outside and completely shattered it, which meant she had to use her slow iphone six. ryujin ruined her favorite makeup pallet, then she got a stain on her shirt that she was planning on wearing. and then to top it all of her period started five days early.

"it's okay, i don't blame you for being upset, but next time you feel that way tell me sooner so i can work it out. and please have trust in me" yunho said

"i know, i trust you. but the next time a girl touches your hair, take that as a flirting hint. and if i see it you might have to hold me back" the girl chuckled a little, while yunho laughed and brought his girlfriend into his lap

"and what if i don't?" yunho said

"you'd see the other girl with a bloody nose" yeji shrugged, wrapping her legs around his waist

"hot, not gonna let it happen, but hot" yunho laughed watching the girl playfully roll her eyes. "all's forgiven?"

"all's forgiven."

the two smiled before leaning in for a kiss. yeji held onto him, never wanting to let go. she hadn't kissed him since he got into the car when they were picking him up that night, the whole flirting thing ruined her night.

"you wanna re-try that date tonight? i'm sure papa wouldn't mind driving us" yunho asked, breaking the kiss

"we can but that movie sucked and all the other movies out look stupid" yeji pouted, the boy laughed and rubbed his hands up and down her sides. she dropped her head to his shoulder, placing little pecks up and down his neck

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