*Part forty-seven*

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third person pov

"ow" yunho grunted as he landed on his feet, stumbling a little bit. climbing from your window, to a tree, then jumping to the ground has a little impact on your feet.

yunho got his phone out as he started walking. opening the messaging app then tapping 'yeji🤍'

be there in a few :)

yeji sent back 'okay. see you in a sec xx' yunho smiled before sticking his phone back in his pocket. the walk wasn't long at all, if anything he would probably struggle more waking to school, which he doesn't every morning. within a few minutes he arrived at the park, seeing yeji sitting on a swing with her head resting on the old and rusty chains as she scrolled through her phone. the glow from her phone lighting up her face made yunho smile for some reason.

"hey" yunho smiled, the girl jumped a little before realizing it was just yunho

"hi" she smiled before hugging the, much taller, boy "how was it sneaking out?"

"pretty easy, almost fell out of the tree though" yunho chuckled sheepishly

"sounds about right, wanna walk around a bit?" yeji asked

"yeah" yunho smiled as yeji grabbed his hand, lacing their finger together.

in case you're wondering, they like each other, any one could really see it, or well. i guess not. they were good at hiding their feelings when they were around others, especially their siblings. the last thing they needed was being picked on by their younger brothers or sisters.

they don't know they like each other, but the hugging, the hand holding, the hearts they send. they were practically in a thirteen year old romance novel.

"so lia moved on from san-ah?" yunho asked

"thankfully yeah, i think it was only a little crush. only last a week or two" yeji shrugged. lia confessed her feelings about san to yeji a while ago, the only person that knew other than yeji was yunho, and mingi because yunho accidentally asked about it in front of the younger. but mingi couldn't care less.

"i figured. i didn't see it lasting long" yunho laughed

"have you ever liked anyone?" yeji asked, they never talking about things like this until recently. talking about celebrity crushes to their type. but still, they never talked about liking someone who isn't an a list celebrity.

"u-um yeah, yeah" yunho nodded, at first it sounded like a question, but he quickly confirmed the answer to himself. "what about you?"

"yeah, i think so at least" yeji nodded.

"who?" yunho asked. yeji stopped in her tracks. still holding her hand, yunho stopped too.

"i- um" the girl stuttered

"you don't have to tell me" yunho soothed "it's really not my business, i um... just, curious"

"i just..." yeji trailed "i'm nervous about it. it's my first time liking someone"

yunho's heart dropped, its recent. it now. she has the crush now.

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