*part seven*

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third person pov

the next day

seonghwa and jongho were just chilling at home, while hongjoong took the rest of the kids to school. seonghwa was currently teaching the toddler shapes with various different toys.

"okay jjong, what whole does this go into?" seonghwa asked. he held up a triangle block before handing it to the boy. jongho took the block, tried putting it in the square whole. didn't fit. triangle hole. bingo!

"good job! this is called a triangle. say triangle"

"tyangwe" jongho bubbled out

"good job and-" seonghwa was cut off with by the front door opening then closing. the two looked up and saw hongjoong placing his keys on the dish.

"papa!" jongho squealed before getting up and practically tumbling to his dad. hongjoong smiled and bent down to pick the kid up.

"hello my baby bear" they called jongho baby bear ever since yeosang pointed out that he looked like a teddy bear, when he was first adopted. "hello mama bear" he smiled turning to his husband

"mama beaw, baby beaw, papa beaw" jongho said pointing to each of them.

in case you're wondering, they're all 'bears' in jonghos eye. yunho being yuyu bear. yeosang now being called peddle bear, originally yeo-gi bear. san is sun(san)shine bear. mingi is happy bear. wooyoung is bubble bear.

hongjoong smiled before kissing jonghos chubby cheeks and setting him down. "what're you two doing here?" he asked seeing all of wooyoung and mingis old learning toy back from the hall closet

"'earning thapeth!" jongho jumped

"how's he doing with that?"

"good actually! he might be our shape master" seonghwa asked

the kids all had their things that they were good at as babies/toddlers. for yunho he was the best at potty training, and then also reading. yeosang was fast with walking (from what they heard from the adoption center) and really good with listening. san was also good with walking but also problem solving. mingi had a hard time with a lot of things as a baby, but when it came to numbers and letters he was pretty much a pro. with wooyoung, he was good with interactions and reading. but they are all really smart kids.

"oh yeah? let me see... jjongi, what hole does this block go into?" he hands the boy an oval block. ovals and circles are hard sometimes.

jongho tried the circle, nope. oval? ding ding. the boy put the block in and started clapping for himself

"did it!" he cheered

"good job! this is an oval, can you say that?"

"obal!" he responded proudly.

seonghwa pointed triangle "do you remember this?"

"... uh-uh" he pouted

"tri~..." hongjoong started

"...angwe!!" he gasped

"ah! so smart jjongi!" seonghwa said before attacking him with kisses

after a little bit of shape learning, the three sat down to watch tv. simply just spongebob and bubble guppies, with jongho giggling every now and then. the parents sat there doing random things. hongjoong was drawing designs for a jacket that he was making mingi, and seonghwa was on his laptop ordering decor for yeosang and yunhos room. the two have been complaining that 'a zoo (theme) is too baby-ish mama'. oh how the parents dreaded this.

seonghwa looked up some mini posters from their favorite movies or cartoon and poster frames. got new bedding last week, and was now looking at new lamps. their giraffe and monkey lamps just weren't their style.

jongho was getting bored and started playing with his mamas free hand, as he scrolled through websites with his other hand. jongho was fascinated by jewelry, hongjoong loved wearing so many types of pretty earrings to fill his many piercings. and seonghwa usually were many rings that shined in the light. jongho started twisting his mama's wedding band.


"yes baby" seonghwa asked not look away from the laptop

"wha' thith one mean?" jongho was told that seonghwa's rings usually had a meaning. and though it was his most warm ring, the toddler had never asked the meaning of the wedding ring.

seonghwa looked at his ring finger that the boy was pointing at, hongjoong also now looking over. both smiling fondly as hongjoong began to fiddle with his own ring.

"papa has a ring, and i have a ring. when we wear it it shows that we love each other" seonghwa said. jongho immediately whipped his head toward his other dad to make sure he was wearing his ring. to which hongjoong lifted his hand to show the matching ring.

the rings were really nice. seonghwas was black with a thin rainbow stripe down the middle, and hongjoongs was the same but with a thin pansexual themed stripe down the middle.

"pwetty" jongho whispered as he placed his parents hands together. he giggled as his mama and papa interlocked hands, trapping his own in the middle.

"i get 'ings too?" jongho asked as his parents let go.

"when you're older my love" hongjoong said before going back to his drawing.

just about everything on the two parents held a meaning. for example seonghwas ring collection. just about each ring he owns has some sort of memory. whether it was his and hongjoongs first anniversary during high school, or the ring his mom got him we he came out as a teenager. hongjoongs piercings also hold memories. hongjoongs first piercing he got as a toddler. but his second piercing was when he came out. third piercing during his and seonghwas relationship, the every other piercing for each other the kids.

now the two actually have tattoos, either really small or hidden. hongjoong has a small saturn tattoo, with a rainbow as the rings, on his left bicep. he has two butterflies on his wrist. and finally the words 'dream big' on his collarbone.

seonghwa, he has rainbow stripes on his ear. he has 'born this way' on his wrist. and a number 8 on his pinky finger. seonghwa also recently got another tattoo behind his ear of a little dragon.

so yeah... everything has meaning. and even if it didn't, that's fine. they just like to have a lot of meaning in their lives. which is why they have six kids. kinda.

(a filler because yeah... sorry bout that😭)

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