*Part forty-five*

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third person pov

"that went better than i thought" jangmi sighed as her and felix left the counseling office

"are you sure, cause we missed like three classes already" jeongin whined

"we got worksheets for you guys, i'll give you the answers" jongho said, pointing to jangmi "your school work gave me a headache just looking at it" jongho pointed to felix

"tell me about it" felix chuckled "where'd everyone else go"

"mingi wanted to go to class, for some reason, san followed him, chenle left when you guys went into the counselors room" jongho explained, the two nodded and waited for the parents to walk out of the counseling room

"thank you so much, we know this is probably weird, especially on jangmi's first day" the taller mom said

"it's fine hina, no need to worry" mr. jeon said "you and jisoo have a good day"

the moms smiled and walked out, they stopped when they got to the kids

"felix, sweetie, it was so nice meeting you. i'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other now" jisoo smiled at the boy, who smiled back and hugged her

"jangmi, you try to have a normal day" hina laughed

"yeah" the girl laughed before hugging her moms and watching them leave. after that mr. and mrs. bang said there farewells and left too. which meant the kids had to go back to class.


"how was your guys' day" hongjoong asked as the kids piled into the car after the last bell rang

"eventful..." jongho muttered, causing san and mingi to chuckle

"wait until you hear what happened papa" mingi said as he climbed in beside yunho

"cant wait" hongjoong chuckled.

after a few minutes, wooyoung still hasn't left the school building. which was odd, because usually wooyoung was the first one out other than yeosang and yunho

"have any of you seen wooyoung?" hongjoong asked the kids, there was still kids coming in and out the building, but wooyoung has never took this long to come out to the van

"i think i see him" mingi said said, looking out the window with his eyes squinted, craning his neck as if it'll help him see better. "yeah, he's with his teacher" san said

"oh my god" yunho muttered once he saw a peak of wooyoungs face. hongjoong looked closer, and immediately got out of the car when the child and his teacher stepped closer to the car. now that he's closer enough, everyone can see what happened

"what happened?" hongjoong bent down to wooyoungs level, now face to face and able to see the bruised cheek bone and busted lip. hongjoong put a hand on the boys shoulder, but wooyoung shrugged it off before opening the car door, climbing over mingi and the seat, then landing next to san

"close the door" hongjoong said to mingi before turning back to the teacher.

once the door was closed all hell broke loose

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