*Part fifty-nine*

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third person pov

small tw: sexualization of a minor + sexual comments about a minor. it's only for like a second, so you don't really have to worry too much.

"i hear your mom coming" yunho laughed a little, breaking the kiss and making the girl groan. she got off of the boy and walked over to her door, opening it before her mom made it upstairs. not more than a minute later, she walked in

"you two doing alright?" dahee asked, opening the door a tad more so that she could look around the room, smiling her famous motherly smile. with a pile of yeji's clothes in her hand

"yeah mom" yeji sighed, taking the clothes from her moms hand and setting it at the end of the bed, where yunhos feet left some room

"okay, well you put those away, yunho sweetie, i'm sure some of those shirts and hoodies are yours"

"yeah, i wouldn't doubt it" yunho chuckled, looking at his girlfriend

"shut it" she mumbled

"alright, well i'll leave you two alone now" dahee smiled before walking out, leaving the door cracked

"thank god" yeji mumbled as she separated her clothes into different piles "don't look, this is my underwear" she chuckled

"i've seen you in bathing suit bottoms, and you don't even have pants on right now. what's the difference" yunho laughed, but still closed his eyes

"the fact that they're not like bathing suit bottoms, or like these underwear. you're good now" the girl responded while putting her underwear in the drawer

"oh, so you own thongs" yunho teased

"i'll beat you. i will" yeji said, holding a hanger in her hand is if she was going to hit him.

"i'm joking~" yunho laughed again

yeji started putting her clothes away, going back in forth from her closet to her bed. she was about to put a yellow hoodie on a hanger but yunho stopped her

"that's mine" yunho said

"you have it for when you stay over then" yeji smiled and put it on the hanger, and putting it in her closet

"well aren't you clever" yunho threw sarcasm as he sat up and grabbed yeji's waist as she put more clothes on hangers

"i have to put these away yun" yeji whined, trying to escape her boyfriends grip

"you have time" the boy said, laying his head on her chest

"you're a bad influence" yeji joked as she put the shirt down and played with his hair

"and you give in too easily" yunho mumbled, still very clearly tired

"you should take a nap, i'll wake you up before lunch" the girl said, looking at the time on her phone, reading eleven-forty-two a.m.

"i'll be okay, i have to pee" yunho grunted before getting up, giving the girl a peck then letting go and walking out.

once he was done peeing, he washed his hands and looked at himself in the mirror. all the comments he's gotten about his 'mature look' that always seemed to make him sick to his stomach were suddenly flooding back.

family | ateez au | (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now