*part eight*

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third person pov

(tw // homophobia , mentions of fighting)

a week later

seonghwa was on the couch, jongho napping in his and wooyoungs room, and hongjoong napping with his head on seonghwas lap. he was scrolling through twitter and playing with hongjoongs hair, when all of a sudden his phone starts ringing. he answers it right away, not wanting to wake up the younger.

"hello?" he tried to not to be loud

"is this kim-park seonghwa ?"


"hello, this is yunho and yeosangs teacher. i was just calling to inform you that yunho had gotten into a fight and we need to see you at the school as soon as possible, we tried calling your husband but if seems that he couldn't answer—" hongjoongs phone was charging in their bedroom "so if you could both come down that would be great." the voice said

"oh- uh. yeah of course we'll be there right away." seonghwa hung up before shaking hongjoong.

"yunho got in a fight"

"he what now" that woke him up.

"go grab jongho, i'll start the car. they need us at the school" seonghwa said before getting up to put his shoes on.

hongjoong ran up stares, grabbed jonghos favorite blanket and then grabbing jongho himself. the boy whined but soon feel back to sleep when his father stuck a pacifier in his mouth and help him closely. he went back down stairs and put his shoes on before meeting seonghwa in the car.

the parents walked into the office after a very quiet car ride. seonghwa was ultimately shocked and quite frankly pissed, hongjoong was upset with yunho, but he was more shocked than anything. no one has ever thought that yunho has a violent bone in his body. this is the same kid that carries spiders, on a napkin, outside instead of killing it. no matter how scared he is.

"hongjoong and seonghwa?" the office lady smiled sadly. she has always been nice, really the only office worker that the parents like. the rest were assholes. "right in there gentlemen" she pointed at a cracked door.

seonghwa knocked slightly before opening the door, seeing yunho sat on a chair on one side of the room, and mark on the other side. oh dear.

"come on in gentlemen" the teacher said nicely.

yunho and mark weren't too beat up or anything, they're five. they couldn't possibly have hard enough blows to cause bleeding or black eyes. but their hairs was messy, yunho had a slight brownish bruise on his cheekbone and mark and a few as well. the parents sat next to yunho, who took the toddler from hongjoongs hands and sat him on his lap.

"okay so, i tried getting a story out of em, but yunho refused to say anything until you got here and mark just won't say anything period." the teacher admitted

"well yunho what's your side of the story" hongjoong asked

"he made fun of yeosang and wooyoung!" yunho yelled

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