*Part ninety-four*

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third person pov


it was finally the day after the pool party, which actually got moved to a different time. basically, they all decided to wait until hyunjin, junho, and yunho were all healed a little more. and they also wanted to make it kind of a little going away party for chenle.

all the kids helped put food in the kitchen, get some pool supplies ready, setting out chairs for the people that aren't bring their own, and also towels. seonghwa made a cake for chenle with jongho and wooyoung too.

"last time you were in the hot tub you peed in it" san scrunched his face

"i was two!" jongho hit his brother with a pool noodle.

they weren't even in the pool yet, they were waiting out back for everyone to arrive.

"pool noodles aren't weapons" hongjoong laughed and took the green styrofoam noodle away from jongho

"then can i get a real weapon?" jongho asked

"ha. no"

san mockingly laughed at his brother as people started arriving. jangmi and chenle were already there because hongjoong picked them up with jongho a while ago. the bang family just arrived with a watermelon.

"hey, when's yeji getting here?" hyunjin asked yunho

"not for another ten minutes, eunhee has soccer practice so they have to wait"

hyunjin nodded and looked around to make sure no one was looking. he pulled the oh so familiar pen out of his swim trunks, nodding his head to it. yunho nodded and nudged his head to the stairs before going up them to his room.

"mama, papa, hyunjin wanted to see my new game i'll be down when yeji gets here" he announced as he walked up the steps

"alright" seonghwa yelled back

"you got a new game?" hyunjin asked

"you already know about it, i got it two weeks ago"

hyunjin let out a long 'ohhh' as they entered the bedroom, locking the door behind them. now hyunjin understand why yeji thought they were making out that one time.

they say there and smoked for a little while until yeji texted that she was on her way. they both took one more hit before going downstairs again. hyunjin left the vape in yunhos bedroom under a pile of clothes so that he didn't go swimming with it.

"i need to put sunscreen on" hyunjin sighed

"have mina apply some on you when she gets here" yunho joked

"oh hell no. i'd rather have a roach do it"

"no difference"

the boys laughed and went in the kitchen to steal some watermelon from hyunjin's dad, who was cutting said watermelon.

"you two can wait until i'm done cutting it" the dad laughed when they both went 'nope!'

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