*part nine*

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third person pov

the next day

"no san"

"but whyyyyy"

"because it's bedtime, you have school tomorrow"


hongjoong was going back and forth with san tonight. he kept asking to do puzzles, or play a game. but it was now time for bed and the kids all have to get up early. it was strange though, san always liked bedtime. he never argued with his fathers about get sleep. so why now?

"why don't you wanna go to bed sani" seonghwa asked

"because" he pouted

"well you have to baby. go to bed and tomorrow morning i'll make chocolate chip pancakes for you. okay?" seonghwa promised

san just pouted and nodded before laying down. mingi was watching it all go down from his bed. he was worried for his brother. the past few nights he's been restless. constantly waking up, keeping his lamp on, just things that san never does. but san wouldn't tell anyone anything.

"okay sannie... you can keep your light on. but on the lowest level okay" hongjoong said. san just nodded.

the parents left the room. and went to their own room.

"what do you think is up with san?" seonghwa asked while taking off his shirt

"no clue, he's never like this. do you think something at school is bothering him?" hongjoong responded.

"maybe, but either way he won't tell us" the older said, now getting into bed beside his husband.

"mmm, we can worry about it in the morning. i'm tired" the younger mumbled, making seonghwa chuckle

the two shared a few kisses goodnight before cuddling up and going to sleep. it was nice, the two usually slept very well in each other's arms. nice and peaceful. until around one a.m...

"mama... papa" san whispered.

seonghwa jolted up to see san holding his stuffy, tears running down his cheeks. seonghwa immediately became worried.

"sannie, baby what happened" he whispered

"monsters..." san cried into his mama's shoulder

"baby there are no monsters. remember? we checked" seonghwa pulled san up into their bed and cradled him

"they're mean to me" the boy cried a little harder, and louder. which woke up hongjoong

"what happened?" hongjoong grumbled

"papa" san cried while reaching for his dad

"ahh sannie what happened" hongjoong asked as realization hit him. he took the boy from a very worried seonghwa.

"monsters... they're so mean. c-chased m-minmin. and... and y-you and m-mama an-" he was now crying harder, choking and hiccuping on his own words

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