*part twenty-four*

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third person pov

the next day

a quiet morning in the kim-park house. which is normal, the kids weren't morning people. and neither was seonghwa. hongjoong and mingi just left for therapy. seonghwa and jongho stayed in bed until one of the kids would come to wake him up.

"mama...mom!" wooyoung yelled

"jesus... wooyoung don't yell" seonghwa scolded

"i don't feel good" wooyoung pouted

"what doesn't feel good sweetie" seonghwa turned so he could face the boy

"i have a headache... and my nose won't let me breathe from it. and my throat hurts"

"well yelling isn't going to help the head and throat. and do you mean you have a stuffy nose?" seonghwa chuckled, wooyoung nodded

"okay, well come let up here with me and jjong and try to go back to sleep. mama is tired" seonghwa helped the boy up onto the bed, he climbed up beside jongho and tried cuddling up to him. that failed because jongho nearly pushed him off the bed.

their slumber lasted about ten minutes before yunho came in complaining about being hungry. so seonghwa sent the boys into the living room to watch bubble guppies, while he made some chicken and waffles since it's closer to brunch. after he was done cooking, the kids gathered up at the table and started eating.

"it's weird without papa and mingi" san complained

"i know bub" seonghwa pat his head

"do you think they ate?" yunho asked worriedly

"yeah, papa texted me and told me they got some breakfast on their way" seonghwa nodded

"did they get mcdonald's" wooyoung pouted

"i'm not sure honey, just enjoy what you have, hm?"

after eating, seonghwa started cleaning up, yunho and jongho went to build legos, wooyoung and san went to play video games and yeosang went back to sleep on the couch.

"hey bub, can i join ya?" seonghwa giggled as he softly woke yeosang up. the boy just nodded and sat up, waiting for his father to sit down so he can lay back down on his lap. once they got comfortable, bomi climbed up with them and cuddled up to yeosang.

"bomi s-s-stinks" yeosang complained

"seems like she needs a bath soon then, hm?" seonghwa smiled as he played with yeosangs fluffy hair

"c-can i h-h-help?" yeosang beamed. bomi likes baths, and yeosang find a it funny when she gets bubbles on her nose.

"yeah baby, you can help me later tonight when papa is home" yeosang nodded continued petting the small dog until he fell back into slumber.

"sangie sleepin again?!" jongho pouted when he came downstairs about half an hours later

"he has been napping pretty often lately huh? why don't you wake him up and go play" seonghwa said

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