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the characters of FAMILY have answered your questions !!

ALSO !!! when the story ends i will be doing this again. so please be sure to have more questions prepared !!!


Q:what was your first impression on seonghwa ?

A: AH! i thought he was very cute. at the time i never really thought about sexuality, i always just assumed i was straight though. he was my sexual awakening💀

Q: your favorite thing about each child ?

A: i love my babies. they all each have such unique and amazing personalities. yunho, i love his overall need to help around and his positive attitude. yeosang, i love his sassiness and willing to try new things, i also love that he's still a messy eater. with san, i love how he tries to turn every situation into a positive mood, and i love how strong he is. i love mingi's hard working ethic and his passion when he's doing literally anything. i love wooyoung's charm/flirty attitude and his desire to make everyone smile, he's truly a kid that you just can't hate. with jongho, i like his silliness and the way he messes with his brothers, i'm also in love with his passion in singing. kyungmi, i love her creativity, she's not afraid to be who she is. i also love when she dresses jongho, who always wears black clothing, in colorful fun clothing.

Q: as the kids have grown up, did you and seonghwa have any hunches that the kids were part of the lgbtq community (other than mingi)

A: ah, we had a feeling about wooyoung, he would often point boys out on movies and stuff, and he had a crush on changbin when he was younger. same with yeosang. i think just because his crush on chan growing up. but we really didn't want to label the kids, and we didn't want to push a sexuality on them. who they are is who they are. and we love who they are


Q: what's the first thing you noticed about hongjoong ?

A: ah, i'm not sure if you mean personality, or physically. so i'll give you both answers. i noticed his height first🤭 he was a lot shorter when we first met. personality wise, he was always really good at listening and he was just really sweet overall

Q: your favorite place you've been to ?

A: me and joong had our honeymoon in paris, absolutely gorgeous. i love it there.

Q: will you ever get a cat ?

A: the author of this story said i cant tell you.

Q: how did you and hongjoong really feel about the pregnancy scare?

A: terrified ! but we knew we had to be supportive of the kids. we're just glad the results came back negative, but we do feel grief for yeji with her recent news :(


Q: how are you and yeji such an amazing couple ?! like i'm not even jealous- i get so happy when yalls parts come in the story. y'all have such a healthy relationship and i cheer you on for that

A: thank you😣 that means a lot. me and yeji just know how to communicate. i think it's just how we were raised, our parents are all really good as solving problems and communication. even though we have our moment, i love her so much and i always will

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