*Part seventy-three*

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third person pov

Small time skip to seongjoong's anniversary:
june 21st


"happy anniversary!" the kids yelled as their parents walked down.

yunho woke everyone up at five am on a saturday just to set up everything. rainbows themes everything, balloons, presents, a cake that seonghwa's parents dropped off. oh did i mention seonghwa's parents are there?

fifteen years of marriage. if you told hongjoong at the beginning of his freshman year that the cute new boy was going to be his husband of fifteen years one day, he would've laughed in your face.

all these years together, six amazing children, great careers. everything was, well not perfect, but they couldn't ask for anything more in life. they were living out their dreams, having a family, having enough wealth to make their kids happy and healthy. and of course, having each other.

"awe guys" seonghwa smiled as the kids ran up and hugged their dads. he looked up at his parents who were smiling ear to ear.

"how on earth did you do all this?" hongjoong chuckled lightly as he kissed yeosang head

"yunho woke us up at five in the morning" wooyoung huffed

"well thank you boys, we love you very much" seonghwa smiled and kissed yunho and mingis foreheads

"i want mama kisses, move" jongho pushed yunho out of the way and tilted his head up. the parents laughed and attacked all of their kids in kisses and tickles.

the grandparent watched with adored eyes. their son had a family of his own, a beautiful family at that. they couldn't be any more proud of seonghwa.

"happy anniversary" his mom smiled

"thank you mom" seonghwa smiled and brought his mom in for a hug why hongjoong hugged his father-in-law.

"hongjoong, we couldn't ask for a better son-in-law" seonghwa's dad smiled

"good, cause i think you're kinda stuck with me now" he joked, seonghwa mom scoffed and rolled her eyes in a playful manner.

"we've been stuck with you since your sophomore year. i'd say we practically helped raise you" she teased as she watched her grandchildren run around, chasing each other with balloons.

"and i'm extremely grateful for that. so thank you" hongjoong smiled as he was brought into a hug by his mother-in-law.

seonghwa smiled proudly at his parents and husband. freshman year, he met and started dating hongjoong. his sophomore year hongjoong moved in with him and his parents. junior year they had a lot of firsts together. end of junior year they got engaged, end of senior year they got married.

and the assholes don't look a day over twenty. which seonghwa's mom plans on complaining about until she dies.

"happy anniversary" seonghwa whispered as his lips hovered over his husbands. they sneaked into the kitchen for a second.

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