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I had a really sad dream...

Okay, so seto, myself, simon, rage, and tyler were there...

And the enderoni or a monster alike it was there, and we were trying to kill it. And also, we all came from the same small town, and we all had different roles. Like in ToS without the mutual killings.

We watched half the town die from the monster, then we went after it. We lost Seto at a river, as the monster jumpscared us... I mourned him, crying hard. Afterwards, we found where the monster was at.

Well, we did beat it, but I died.. But me and seto were reunited, and were up in a cloud. The others went back home, even though they were the last surviving villagers from that village left. They travelled to another village, but were turned down. They started another village. But, all the while, we could see the others emotions. Like, simon was EXTREMELY pissed off because seto died, and then a little bit for me (i think my head got seto and bodil mixed up. And also rage was there for no reason xD)

Rage was demonic, for the town turned them down, and pissed, for losing both of us.

And Tyler was Demonic, for the town turned them down, pissed, and sad for losing me for the most part. Then the rest he was sad for loosing seto.

But the saddest part, was that Quiet was playing in the back ground.. And ironically thats the song it was playing when i woke up lol

But thats it

I was sobbing when i woke up oml

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