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Hey guys- sorry for spamming this book so much lately. I just needed to do one more rant- then I'll work on a couple of chapters.

Well.... You know writing can be hard. We are mostly writers here. But I'm trying to write as often as I can. And it hurts me. School has already taken its toll on me. For one, I have, like, the most shitty teacher. She's always beating up on people- but she seems to hate me the most. And what my parents want, I can't give them. They want me to get into college, and be a doctor or something. I don't wanna be a doctor or something. I want to be a writer of a youtuber.

Also, me writing, especially after doing anything school related, kills my head. I am having a very hard time.

I think I have schizo, I hear voices, smell smells (no one else smells) see things (no one else sees) can't ever think clearly, and sometimes forget what I'm saying mid sentence, and I also spaz out a lot.. Schizo, or schizophrenia does this. But also, it could be stress.

But don't worry, I'd suffer for all of you. I love you all so much. It's just a little TBH. I'm one for not really expressing my feelings often.

And sorry to bug you once again, I'll speak to you all later. Bye

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