Some more facts about me!

55 2 10

Probably like 10 im so bored

1. At the moment, my glasses (yes I have glasses) are hipster glasses with a black outer rim, and a red inner rim O.O

2. I actually have a phobia of loud noises- it reminds me of my parents screaming at each other- i wont go any further into that. But, strangely enough, I also  have a phobia of silence, and darkness. I cant go to sleep in my room without my ipad playing music (usually from youtube- like watching WinterRayns SPs)  and without the tv on. 

3. My minecraft username is angelkitten02, if you ever want to draw anything of me xD

4. Sometimes, I use my moms birthday when im signing up for websites, so on those websites, im like 52, but in real life im actually 12 xD im such a sneaky sneaky

5. Youtube is life

6. I refuse to watch BajanCanadian (because of ykno seto) and TheZombiUnicorn (Because of her being extremely rude to someone i follow on IG) 

7. Adding on to the last one, if I saw a minigame with BajanCanadian in the minigame, just not his POV, ill watch it. But I refuse to watch anything with TheZombiUnicorn in it, even from my favorite youtuber, I will exit out of it immediately. I have that bad of a grudge on her.. Dont ask why please.

8. I have many cats, we need to get rid of most of them ;-; they are mostly feral

9. I have 3 nutcrackers- A rat one, a candycane one, and a regular one.

10. Im getting a IPhone5c or IPhone5s in January

das it dont ask kk its mi life

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