Possibly a book?

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Well, A prolouge for a book I wanna try to write, PLEASE I NEED FEEDBACK HERE. Should I make a book over it?

A scream rang through the 'prison'.

"LET ME GO!" A boy about the age 17 squirmed on a thing that looked like a operation table, stomach bleeding heavily. He began to sputter, and yelled.

A man in a white lab coat laughed as his coat was splattered red. "Boy, you should know better. How are those ears doing for you?" He said, holding the knife in a mannerly way towards his cat ears.

"Any last words Seto?" The man said, now holding the knife against his neck. Seto sputtered out, "G-get away f-from m-me.." He said, kicking.

"Fine..." The man said, surprisingly moving quickly. He threw the knife away. Seto looked suspiciously at his past friend.


Then the amulet was ripped from his neck. Seto felt down, feeling that his life source was draining..

Seto screamed, sitting up. He felt for any cat parts.

It was just a dream.

But the dream took such a toll on him, he just curled into a ball, and cried. "What is it?" Sky jumped in.

Seto shook his head.

"Nothing, just a bad dream."

O-oh-ho Seto, you wish. Its just beginning...

Into the Abyss.... OF RANDOMESS!Where stories live. Discover now