Bedtime | Setosolace

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Title- Bedtime
Ship- setosolace
Prompt- 'Imagine person A [of your otp] waking up to find person B has died in their sleep.'
Words- 222 words
Catagories- sad
TW- death

Seto said his good night to Brice. Seto proceded to pull Brice over to their bed gently, who was still sick with pneumonia, but the doctors decided to let him go home with Seto.

Brice smiled meekly,  and laid down beside him. "Bedtime," Seto sang softly, and Brice sang back weakly. "Time for sleep, and sweet dreams." "Sweet dreams.." Seto drifted off into sleep.

Brice smiled weakly, and pet his head and kissed it. "Sweet dreams..." he said quietly, and laid his head on the pillow, and fell asleep finally.

Seto woke up the next morning, smiling slightly, and looked over at Brice, and kissed his forehead.  Was he... cold? Or was it just him?

Seto held his hand over Brices nose and mouth.  He... he wasnt breathing!

Seto laughed slightly. "Hahah! So funny Brice! Now cmon, we gotta eat breakfast!"

Brice still wasnt breathing...

"B-brice, stop playing around...! Its not f-funny anymore..." tears springed into his eyes, and he checked for Brices pulse.


Seto shook him, trying to wake him up. "B-brice..?" He looked down at him, tears streaming down his face.  Seto cried, and didnt avoid it. His medical degree told him better.

It was his fault, and he was dead, and he sobbed.


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