more stream writings

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Okay then this is it


Prompt- Person B invited Person A to go camping, and Person A immediately accepts. While they're there, they get rained into their tent. Some stuff ensues, and they emerge when the rain has stopped, looking disheveled. (Whoever went with them is up to you. If someone goes with them: Person C, D, E, F, or G smirks knowingly at the two, laughing at their appearance.)


"H-hey Ender." Angst tried not to stammer as he tapped Enders shoulder.

"Hmm?" They turned around, and saw him.

"Would you like to go on a camping trip with me? I mean, Willow, Ry, Drops, and Twisted will be there but I wanted to ask you since I didn't ask you earlier and-"

"of course, Angst." Ender cut him off, putting their hands on the younger's shoulders. Angst let out a sigh of relief. "Okay- we're leaving tomorrow, and the others will be there the next day-" "Wait, tomorrow?! Why wasn't I told this earlier?"

"Uhhh, I forgot! Sorry Ender, it slipped my mind and stuff-"

"Its fine Angst." Ender cut him off again, laughing. Angst laughed nervously. "Y-yeah, I think I might go to leave so I can let you pack, over."

Ender rolled their eyes, and pushed the younger one out.


"are you sure we were supposed to come out here today? It looks really over cast..."

"Yeah, Im sure!" Angst stopped the car, and pulled the stuff out of the car.

Ender looked at him confusedly. "I can get my own bags, you know!"

"No, its fine." He said, holding the bags in a haphazardly way.

Ender puffed out air, and caught their bag as it fell from his grasp.

"Im so sorry-" "DON'T SAY SORRY AGAIN BOY" They cut him off, jokingly yelling.

"Okay then. Over." He said as he relaxed his shoulders, and carried the stuff over to the camp site. He began to set up the tent, and Ender joined.

They let out a long sigh, and said, "So, You doin good, Angst?"

"Yeah, Im fine. Over." He breathed out, putting a pole in the ground.

"okay then." They said, and they continued to work.

Thunder cracked in the sky, as they stayed in the tent they made. They huddled together for warmth when the rain started.

"So uh." Ender looked at him.


"this is sorta awkward."

"I agree."

They continued to huddle for warmth, and were so close they could smell each other's breath.

Eventually, they fell asleep to the sound of the little rain rebounding off the tent.

They awoke when they heard snickers, and they jumped up and out of the tent, to see the 4 that are familiar there, snickering.

"Heh, morons." Twisted said, and Ender sneezed.

"Awwww Ender bae are you sick???" Drops said, holding Ender.

"No theyre MINE DROPS" Ry jumped on Drops back.

"sh-shit not this again." Ender said

"YES THIS AGAIN" Willow said, jumping on the sick Ender's back. Ender fell to the ground, and coughed.

"g-god no.." They sneezed again. This was gonna be a long trip.

-Fin bc im lazy-

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