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1) how did you all find me? :c i rlly wanna know cause im just a stupid fucking nerrrrdddd

2) after I get done with TFFA, what do you guys wanna see book wise?
I do have a book im thinking about making, called Displaced Angels- here, Ill post the prologue thingy.
"Displaced Angels

Heaven isn't really what you may think. People don't fly; they walk around on clouds. People that die together, are soulmates in heaven. People that die alone are loners.  You still get punished in heaven; if you do something bad enough, you can get sent back to earth. Where the 'Everlasting War' was. What once was a place of beauty, torn to fabric pieces. Just above the clouds, there was Colonia Infimorum Caelorum. It means, 'The Colony of the Lowest Heavens.' If you did a single bad thing, down to earth you go. That's where me and Seto were.

Ya see, we were pretty bad trouble makers. It wasn't our fault; we were just that way! Cursing, being vain, not helping with others... But us knowing we were on our last try, we did as good as we could to be good. And we didn't get the best treatment down in Colonia Infimorum Caeorum. Albeit, every where in heaven is great. But since it was closest to earth, the pollutants got in, making everything brownish there. The food got poisoned; we only got about one meal a day. But that wasn't heavens fault, it was earth.

There is three tiers in Heaven world; as we liked to call it. Colonian Et Caeli Caelorum, The Colony of the Highest Heavens. You got 3 shots up there.

Then, if you screw up; most people do, then there's Medius. The Middle. You get 2 shots there. Most people who will stay up in heaven stay there. Then there's where we are. Colonia Infimorum Caeorum. Yeah.

Oh, and by the way! I'm Eris. I like the color black, and midnight blue. Problem? Back story of how I died? I died of leukemia, after being shot near the heart. Twice. Nice way to die, right?

Seto has been my friend ever since I got here. I was sadly sitting on a door step. He sat by me and we talked.

This is just the beginning. Prepare for the ride."
It might be an original book cause I feel like it c: or maybe itll be a crew fanfic, or still a TC fan fic as I originally planned it. (420 WORDS RITE HERE BLAZE It) Idk. You tell me.

OoooooRRRRRRR, a Team Hybrid Sequel. AUUGGGHHH I RLLY DONT WANNA WRITE THIS ALOT SO UUUHHHHAHHHGAGRH but Idk someones gotta write it.

Oooorrr, maybe a sequel to TFFA. Heh.

All of these have been plotted out in my mind, pretty much. Mehhhh :3

Sooo, next books

A) Displaced Angels (chances- 3/10 i guess?)
B) Team Hybrid Book 2  (2/10 B())
C) TFFA Book 2 (4/10??)


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