Okay, im sorry to bring this up again...

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But anyways, Everytime I go to Setos channel, my eyes tear up. I get depressed. I have been researching this over a little while.... I  think Im starting to understand.  I am sorry if Im wrong, kindly correct me. Ive had to do this shit on youtube, (not over the same topic lol) and I just dont like when people yell at me for being wrong. ITS IN HUMAN NATURE!!!

So anyways, this started all with being original. Seto is one of the only youtubers that will be calm, and MOSTLY true to us. I dont believe any youtuber would confess their true feelings, as it would make the others feel bad. Im not hating on Adam, but he mostly screams in his videos. It kills my ears, but I love him at the same time. But Seto, he'll be calm. I dont remember the time he yelled, if you are thinking, 'Hey! Seto yells!'  

But then, the Team decided to start talking in that skype chat. Most people dont notice, WORDS HURT. They Kill. I could understand where seto was coming from, if I was kicked from my friend group after no warning, I would be depressed, wondering, "what did I do wrong?" or "I must be so annoying or something...." (I dont know his thoughts, but this is how I would feel.) 

Seto soon came back, but not as happy anymore, if you couldnt tell. After christmas though, he was pretty much better, we think. But now he hasnt come back in four months. FOR THE SAME GOD DAMNED REASON! PEOPLE NEED TO LEARN TO BE KIND! Why cant we all just get along... 

If you want to input your info, go ahead, of course Im probably wrong, as always.


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