Motivation sucks right now

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OKAY- so I have ideas for short fluffy ship prompts BUT NOTHING ELSE FUCK ME SIDEWAYS-

And also I would like to add, im sorry for not updating The Fight For Ability. I have alllll of it planned out, but I CANT write it right now-

1) im rlly busy,
2) my body wont let me write it.

You may see me update short stories soon- (gonna post the ones i did last week in a min) but i cant find motivation to write. See, i also have these MAP parts due on August 18th, which I know what Im doing, but I have no motivation.

Team Hybrid: Completed!
Five Nights at Team Crafteds: New Beginnings: Completed :D
The New Boy: Completed!
The Fight For Freedom: Slow Updates
Art Bookie!: Only updated when I have stuff for it xD
Into The Abyss... Of RANDOMNESS!: Alot warnding xD
The Fault In Our Rants: Updated when I have stuff for it :P once every day, probably

As you can see in my bio, The Fight For Freedom only is under SLOW UPDATES- so please dont be mad if I dont update every week.

Im trying.
Im trying very hard.
Im sorry.

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