The Day Team Crafted Died ~Alternate Ending~

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i know what you guys are thinking.

"what the shit is this doing here?!"

"Y u do this! This is over a year old! Aughhhh!"

"...what the hell is this"

Im deleting those. Im permanately deleting the other book, no looking back on that, but this one Ill leave up since its one ofthe oldest books on my profile. So youre just gonna have to deal with it. Meh.






Jason's POV

I watched as she leapt off the cliff. I tried to run after her, but Ty held me back. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket, and dialed 911.

"H-hello? I'm Jason Parks... Yes... But my friend just jumped of a cliff at the funeral home... Okay, hurry!" I say and hang up. "Ty, what if she actually dies! Oh my god!" I yell, pacing. "Dude, calm down!" He says. "I'm trying!" I yell. I cover my mouth, and calm myself down. "Sorry." I mumble. "S'kay.." He says. I hear running through grass. I see the paramedics running down the hill on the other side. "Ty," I say quietly. "Are you going to tell anyone that you're alive?" I have to ask. He nods. "I'm coming with you to the hospital." He says. I nod, and we run back to the car, and the car flys to life.

=hours later=

I paced around the room nervously. Ty was sitting down rubbing his hands together.

The doctor comes out, looking proud. "are you here for Kylie?" We nod. "She'll be okay! Perfectly fine!"

*record scratches* did you actually believe that? Wow...

The doctor comes out, looking solemn. "What's up doc." I say, realizing I quoted Looney Tunes. But who cares. "I believe, the patient... Has died. She landed on her head and the trauma was too great. We have cleaned her up some, so she looks acceptable. Would you like to see her?" I quickly shake my head. Why would I want to see a dead body?! "I'm sorry for your loss." He says, walking off.

I was more numb than anything. I felt like I didn't do enough for her. And her life was too short. Like I caused her to jump off the cliff. I probably did if you think hard enough. I drive, since Ty's breaking down. I was too, but I had to stay strong. We had told people that Ty was alive and well at the hospital, and we had the proof.

We go to Kylie's apartment, and I grab my key. I open the door, and I forgot to turn off the TV when I left. I facepalm. The channel was the news.

"Once again, thanks Jimmy. Just in, new news coming in on the airplane crash several weeks ago." She says, looking down at a paper she just received. "One other man made it out, his name, Tyler Ellis. He is now with his friend, Jason Parks. (I don't know Jason's true last name... So yeah)" she says, smiling a horribly fake smile. It looked a lot like the one Smiley would give some one. I turn it off quickly, and go upstairs. I go to my room, and Ty takes the other, downstairs.

I think about Kylie. Why did she have to jump... Why did she have to die... Well she is in a better place now. I'll just have to 'let her go', huh? I'll see her later anyways... I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up sweating. I dreamt of the nightmare that happened to me which was when I basically killed my friends. All except Ty. But who knows how much longer he'll stand without Kylie. I know they were close. My phone rings. "Hello." I say quietly. "Tyler (LDZ) is awake. He is free to go, he's all good, do you want to come get him?" A nurse says. "Um.. Okay." I say, and get up. Ty was yet to be awake, so I go alone.

We drive back, and he apparently heard that Kylie was dead. He was really sad about that. Everyone HAS changed. But change is good! Sometimes.... I don't know anymore. We enter the house, and Ty was just sitting at the computer, staring at his headphones. Ty smiles weakly and hugs Tyler.

Ty and Tyler were moping around. I sigh and say, "Kylie wouldn't want us to be moping for her. She would want us to move on, never forgetting, but to move on. I bet they are all watching over us right now. I hope they aren't mad at me... I feel so horrible." I finish quietly. They nod, and seem to cheer up abit.

I guess everything will be okay, for now anyways.

But can anything be okay at a time? In my life, apparently not.

(There we go! The end in my way! All the credit goes to @/GamingPenguin for writing the book! Go check her out!)

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