20 facts about me!

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Ye Im hella bored so yeah

1. I actually am 12 XDD turning 13 in August :D

2. My real name is Angel- well if you guys read my profile so yeah XDD

3. I am pretty antisocial- despite what Shadow says XD I'm pretty sure that I have some type of disorder, but my mom is resistant of that idea- I think she had the same problem. I cant talk to people I dont know, hell, I didnt even introduce myself to my best friends when I met them last year! They did it themselves~. I am alot more social on social media, but I still hesitate when Im writing somethng. WOW LONG ONE

4.I am almost NEVER off the computer. Not kidding.

5. I actually could be bi (Weeelll that what the website I took it on said XDDD) or asexual. Probably asexual- but I will never know until when Im older XDD

6. My dad drinks beer a lot- my mom smokes ack help no dont pls

7. My favorite bands are probably are 5SOS, Blink182, Green Day, and Fall Out Boys XDD

8. My favorite songs are LimeLight (BoyInABand ft. Cry) , and Video Games (TheYoungProfessionals)

9. My favorite youtube channel is either Bodil, or Tyler.

10. My favorite artist is AutumnRayn/WinterRayn/SeasonalRayn whatever you call him

11. I love to draw if you havent figured that out

12. I love to sinnggg

13. My irl best friends are [Redacted]

14. I actually dont play much minecraft, anymore XD but I still love the fandom! (most of it that is XD)

15. I sorta have (according to my friends) a Bulgarian-Canadian accent with a southern twang. (Hey what the fuck -me 2019)

16. My favorite writers are NinjaNekoAru, MangoKiwi, SeasonalRayn, and YoutubeForLife

17. I like to write like im from England- I spell (most of the time) Color, Colour, Favorite, Favourite, ect

18. My favourite game is either FNAF or G-Mod XD

19. My skype friends name is kiefer :D

20. Im in honour classes, and I have never made a report card grade below a 90 :D (Mom wants me to have 96+ *rolls eyes*)

WEll, I hope you like the facts and see you all later! C:

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