A lil short story i wrote for Bodil and my friend Pari xD

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Okay she told me to write a sad story for her a couple days back and I wrote it on notebook paper so I could post it here :D so here it is!

Btw blood death and depresion


A bullet to the heart

(Boatdil btw)

I slid down the wall. This was it. My final moments. I clung on, however, even with my body beginning to react to the hole in my stomach.

"Bodil! My god!" Pari distantly shouted, as I heard a loud clang, and a thump. Distantly, oncea gain.

I saw Pari slide next to me, the edges of my vision going dark. It felt like my life was being sucked from me.

"Bodil we need to get out!" Pari shouted.

I could barely hear myself slur, "Theres... No.. Hope... For me..." 

"Bodil, no! I-I-I love you!" She stuttered.

"L-love you... too..." I said, now feeling like I was nearly gasping for breath. "Goodbye..." I said.

I finally got to say it. I never hot to say it- nor wanted to. It means, well, goodbye. No longer going to see them. And  thats what was going to happen.

"P-Please dont say that...." Pari stuttered.

                                                   "Just say instead, 'See you later'."

Even though I knew better, I weakly said, "See y-you l-later..."

And everything went black.


(Now Pari xD)

*1 month later*

Nothing. Funny how one, 7 letter word can explain such a horrible mix of emotions.

I walked into the graveyard blankly.


Bodil and I walked among a path in the forest. Well, thats what I was pretty sure of, he had my eyes covered.

"Bodil~!" I groaned. "Where are we going, and are we there yet~?"

"We're almost there!" He said, and speak of the devil, he uncovered my eyes, to see a small creak and a nice little meadow.

"Happy Birthday!"


I was next to his grave. I switched the white dyed flowers to orange and cyan (His fav colours actually o.o) dyed flowers. It was his favourite colours. It was the least I could do. I looked around, and when I saw no one, I spoke.

"Hey Bodil." I said. 'Speaking to him' was one of the only things to keep me sane. I got down on my hands and knees, getting my white jeans stained. 

"Baki and everyone misses you. I feel like theres a hole in my heart however, and it hurts. Really bad. I would rather us never to talk again, than you be dead." Tears well up in my eyes.

"But dont worry bout me. I-I'm working on moving on."

"I-Im hoping y-your well... wherever you are. I just..... I just feel guilty. Its all my fault. I never shouldve said that to you."

I sighed. At least I didnt cry this time.

"Ill see you next week. I love you."

                                                             "I love you too...."


(no ones now xD)

Pari never really got over Bodil. SHe stayed up until at least 1 am everynight, and you could hear her sobbing once a month. The poor soul.


Maybe If i feel Im nothing, I am Nothing.

Nothing hurts more that the loss of somone you love.


I made her sob XD

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