What is the TRUE meaning of life?

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What is life?

Is it love? Finding love, and reproducing to have kids that'll do the same as you?

Is it Discovery? To discover, to find new things?

Is it leisure? To enjoy every second you're here?

Or is it something completely different?

Such as, could it just be a misunderstanding that millions of minds think they should do?

Could it just being trapped here?

Could it be... All for nothing?

Could life be meaningless, only to spend time? Spend time on this slowly going faster degrading land?

Could... You just be here for the benefits of god?

All of these questions will never be answered, and only are held in the hands of God. We will never know.

Have you ever thought about it? I surely have. I try not to think suicidal, but it just... Life is hard. So hard some people think of taking it.

I will see you all soon, hopefully with a happier attitude. It might be just because I'm so tired XD But I seriously think about the meaning of life sometimes XD

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