Nico Nico Neko | Jereler

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Title- Nico Nico Neko
Ship- Jereler
Words- 658
Prompt- 'Imagine person A [of your otp] competing with person B's pet for person B's attention/affection.'
Catagories- fluff and idk some stalker thing
TW- over obsession
It was always about the damn cat. Ever since Tyler got that damn cat Ninja, Jeremy always felt avoided. Tyler would bring the dang cat into the bed, half the time, and it always ended up on Jeremys face.

So one day, Jeremy decided to change that.

"Jere, Im going out with some friends for a few hours." Tyler had said. "I'll be back around 3, I promise!"


"Okay! Love you darling!" Jeremy said in a overly happy tone as Tyler grabbed his leather jacket, and Jeremy kissed his cheek. Tyler smiled and waved, yet was tripped by the cat, on his way out.

"Ninja!" He said exasperated. He reached down to pet her, and Ninja purred nuzzling her head into his hand. "I really gotta go now Ninja. Bye Jere, bye Ninja!" Tyler said, walking out smiling and shutting the door behind him. Jeremy looked down at the cat. "Im gonna outshine you today, you darn cat." He said in a angry tone.

'Its just a cat-'


Jeremy laughed to himself quietly as Ninja stared up at him with slightly scared eyes. Jeremy picked up the cat, and she yowled, but Jeremy took her up to his and Tylers room, and threw her in, and shut the door.

"Now I need to go to the store.."

"Got the cat ears, cat gloves?" Jeremy muttered to himself as he looked through the bag of collective junk he had bought at the store a few minutes ago.

Jeremy found the cat ears and the cat gloves.

"Shoot, do I have the cat tail?!"

Jeremy scuffled through the bag, and finally found it. "Good." Jeremy let out tension that he didnt know he held.

Jeremy held up the outfit he bought, a black crop top and a skirt to go along with the black tail, ears, and the gloves. He smirked and got changed, and just in time too, as Tyler walked in right after Jeremy got finished changing. Jeremy stood on two legs waving at Tyler where he just got changing at, and walked out.

"Hey T- I mean, meow!" Jeremy said blushing slightly the going to all fours.
"Jeremy?" Tyler said confusedly, and Jeremy just mewled in response.

'Uh, roll over on your back!'

Jeremy rolled on his back as to mimic a cat when it wants to be pet on the stomach.

'What the hell is he doing?' Tyler thought, walking over to Jeremy.
Jeremy ped the air. "Meow! Im a cat."
Tyler laughed. "Why are you a cat, Jeremy?"

Jeremy rolled back over, and crawlled over to the kitchen, Tyler following. Jeremy crawled over to the refridgerator door, trying to imply he wanted the door open. And so, Tyler opened it.

But, the milk toppled over onto Jeremys head, and Jeremy whined.
"Ohmaigosh Jeremy!" Tyler picked up Jeremy, who was now covered in milk.

'Nice job on messing up, idiot.'

Jeremy cringed at himself. He hadnt planned on that happening.

"Jere, is this for a reason?" Tyler asked, giving Jeremy his jacket which he forgot to take off.

Jeremy sighed exasperatedly. "You care about Ninja more than me!" Jeremy sniffled crying a bit.

"Oh Jere, I'll always care about you more than anything! I thought you knew that?" Jeremy pouted.

"Well youve been hanging out with the cat more than me!" He cried.

"Oh Jeremy.. Remember why we adopted her?"

"Yeah, so it'd be like we had a child!- i just felt abandoned.." Jeremy looked down, ashamed in himself.

"I'll always love you more than anything, love." Tyler smiled and kissed his nose. "Now why dont you go take a shower, youre covered in milk." Tyler laughed.

Jeremy smiled. "No really?"
Jeremy and Tyler walked up the stairs, and opened the door to see their room, completely scratched up and destroyed.


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