Like seriously...

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NEVER read simdil40 or 90 or 130 or whatever-the-fuck-you-call-it, TOO MANY FEELZ. MY MIND IS BROKEN.

but one story I will recommend to you... It's called World Of Cubes, by Kelly something or other. It's awesome. A quick thingamabob

-Bodil travels to Alite, aka where most of the most famous Youtubers live, but it's minecraft.

-Bodil Is some type of Olympian, and has to go to meet the mayor.

-Bodil and Simon meet sky on the way.

-Bodil almost got ran over by a car, but Simon saved him, accidentally kissing him. (No simdil doe, just accidental)

-Bodil just continued on by himself.

-Simon and friends learn that The Mayor wants to kill Bodil.

-Mayor shoves Bodil out of his 20 story building, though Bodil was knocked out by the impact on the head which made him fall.


-Baki takes Bodil to his house.

-I'm too lazy to write the rest, so just read the book YOURSELFF lazy butts

TENOUTTATEN would read again. XD

No art isn't mine dumbasses I can't draw that good XD

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