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I had an idea for a new book! Its called, The Fight For Abilities, its a no OC book, no ships. Heres the description of it.

Six 'lucky' minecraftians were taken.

Five basic abilities. That we were all born with.






But, deep inside of people, there is one more, one that may not be as obious, but maybe the most important of all..

Imagination, as cheesy as that sounds.

What would happen, if say..... These six lucky people lost one of these abilities, then thrown back into the corrupt world outside? What if the people that were doing this had started doing this long ago? Left in the wilderness, to find their way home?

Would their friends still be friends? Would they help them to win the fight?

The Fight for their Senses?


Also, the prologue.



Where We Start

"You guys have a good time!" Shouted a echoed voice from behind. A group of six, travelled through a dark woods. They had been randomly chosen to participate in a test- a test of the senses, the paper had said. If it was randomly selected, how come they all lived in such a close proximety? They all had decided not to question it, and went along with it.

"So," one of the people in the group said. "Who cant wait til' we get there?"

"Hush, I dont even know where we're going Sky!"

"No one does." A voice said, as his cloak got trapped on a bush. They all could barely see eachother, much less where they were going. The only sorce of light was a dim, purple light one was holding. The young individual whos cloak was snagged in the bush didnt notice the cloak stuck, until he got tripped over it, and got a face full of dirt.

"Hah!" Another laughed."Hush." They said. "Or i might just leave us in total darkness."

The person that had tripped name is Seto, and he is a sorcerer. He is probably one of the most serious, most quiet person you'll ever meet- or maybe the loudest. He wears a purple cloak, which most often has its hood up, and brown tufts of hair stick out. Besides his cloak, he wears a light grey longsleeve shirt and pants.

The person who laugheds name is Tyler. He can be a real asshole sometimes, but he would always stand up for his friends, but he isnt afraid to mess around with them a bit. He has these thick, black hipster glasses, and his eyes are a light blue. He wears a checkered red and grey over shirt, and a white under shirt with blue jeans.

Sub and Ethan, those two are the quiet ones. Not that they want to. Both of them are nearly blind, Sub being blind in one eye, and Ethan because of him being albino. Ethan has pale skin, and light grey hair, and red eyes, and he wears a black jacket with an almost electronic line around the waist. The sleeves of his jacket are always pulled up to his elbows, and he has a white undershirt, with black pants.

Sub, has one emerald green eye, while the other is a light greyish colour. His dark brown hair most often covers that eye. He wears a lime green polo shirt, and white jeans. (However, they are getting stained at the moment...) Both boys are mutes, also. But they communicate using sign language, after teaching the language to their friends. Sub and Ethan are close friends, it seems as if Looni had been there, the three musketteers would be all together.

There was also a boy with unruly blonde hair, that stuck up in all directions. His name was Brice, and he had light blue eyes and wore a shirt with a golden ingot on it. He was an artist, actually from a different country, but moved here. His friends seemed to have moved with him, because no matter where he goes, they always seem to end up there. He was also great friends with Seto, and Sky.

Oh, who's Sky? Hes basically one of the most famous people in minecraftia. He wears sunglasses, but if you got the chance to see him without his shades on, they were a golden colour. Oh, he also has this thing with gold. He always calls it butter... He has a rat tail in the back of his hair, and he has a dark grey jacket and pants. He also has a golden amulet, with a purple jewel. He is friends with alot of people, and is really funny, yet sometimes annoying.

Eventually, the lighting brightned to where Seto no longer had use of the orb in his hand, so he vanquished it, as they walked up to a small, slim house, in the middle of a meadow, with hundreds of wildflowers blooming.

"You think this is it?" Sky asked, his amulet gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight of the small meadow.

"I hope, 'cause im about to drop dead!" Tyler complained. The sun was getting low in the sky, and you could begin to see stars peeking out. "We've been walking all day!"

'You're not the one thats had to carry someone on your back all day.' Ethan signed out, Sub blushing.

'I told you you didnt have to carry me!' Sub signed out as Ethan stretched.

'Well too bad.'

"Guys, what other house could be in the middle of the woods?" Seto said, staring at the features of the house.

The house looked old timely, but it seemed to be shining almost. There was oak logs, making it look like more of a cabin, and there was a patio, where the six stood at, at the bottom of the steps. The steps quietly creaked, as they all got near the door.

"Even if it isnt," Brice said, putting his hand on the knocker, "We cant travel anymore tonight. Its too late, unless you want to get shot at by skeletons. We can ask if we can crash here for the night. Say that we're travelin'.

Everyone agreed. They had all been tired, anyways.

When Brice pulled back on the knocker, the floor dissappeared from below them, and next thing they knew, was black.


So, this is probably the next book that im going to be writing- I got the idea from TaxeyCabs Stream,if you guys know her. I didnt copy it xD how does it look so far? Like it?

(Btw Subthan for the win but no ships :((((()

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