Fear | Onitayelle

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Title- Fear
Ship- Onitayelle (fem!Onimikeler)
Prompt- Onitayelle goes to a party, Onity gets hit on, and rejects it in the end, and Taylor gets kidnapped.
TW- rape, sadness, alcohol
Words- 866

Onity never shouldve forced Taylor to go. Michelle shouldve known to be paying more attention.

The man grabbed the top of OniTys dress, his drunken eyes staring into her slightly drunken ones.

"Y'know," he hiccupped, "how do you have your e-eye look l-like that? Thats impre-pressive mascara." He drunkenly complemented. Onity blushed. "Heh, thanks!" She grinned, playing with the top of his collar.

Taylor looked nervously at the two, and Michelle barely looked over her shoulder without a care in her drunken eyes. Taylor felt like the only one who hadnt drank that night. Well, she was trying to be legal. Why were american drinking laws set so high? Taylor kicked her feet.

The mans drunken breath was all Onity could smell. "Why dont you, and me go back to my house~"

Onity was drunk, but not drunk enough to fall for that, and she backed up a bit. "No thank you. I have two beautiful girlfriends~" she grinned and looked back at Taylor and Michelle and Michelle didnt do much back, but Taylor waved awkwardly back.

The man looked at Taylor menacingly and she shrunk backwards slightly. The man then looked slightly at Onity. "May I get us some drinks?" He smiled.

"Of course!" Onity smiled. "See if theres some of those strawberry flavoured beers left!" The man grinned and nodded. "Will do!" And with that, he left.

Taylor walked over to Onity awkwardly. "H-hey Onity."

"Hey cutie!" Onity turned to Taylor, grinning drunkenly, and she could smell the reek of beer on her lips, and Taylor's nose pinched. "Ugh. Why did you make me come..." Taylor groaned.

"Im gonna go get something to drink." Taylor sighed. "oooo~! Taylors under age~!"

'I mean a coke-a-cola, idiot.' Taylor rolled her eyes, and walked into the kitchen, and suddenly felt being pushed against the wall. Taylor tryed to scream, but he covered her mouth.

"Hehe~ if I cant have her.." He pulled Taylor back to the trunk of his car. Her eyes brimmed with tears as she heard the car start, and she let out a wail.

He looked back at Taylor. "Then I'll just have one of her lovers~"


A gag was put in Taylors mouth and her hands were binded behind her back, and she was on her knees, and she cried, and tried to scream for help.

"Stop trying~" he said, rubbing his hands down her sides. Tears streamed down her face quietly looking up at him shakily as much as possible. She smelled the alcohol on his breath still. The room was dark, and she could barely see him, to be honest. Her glasses sat shattered on the door, and she wasnt one with night vision.

"Why dont we start~" he bit her ear, and began to pull her dress up.


It was 5am. Onity and Michelle could care less, though. Taylor had been missing for a week. They had gotten the call about an hour ago, but they said they couldnt visit til visiting hours. Time being, they were panicking.

What if she was hurt? What if she didnt remember them? What if...
She died?

Finally, when the clock hit 8, they left for the hospital, as the visiting start at 8:15. Onitys heels clacked on the ground, making them both slightly stressed out. "Whatever we see, you will still love her, right?" Michelle said looking over at Onity.

"OF COURSE ILL STILL LOVE HER!" Onity accidently yelled. "...do you really think im that conceited..." Onity looked down. "N-no, oni-!"

"Save it." OniTy said, opening the door to Taylors room.

Michelle and Onity werent quite expecting what they saw in the room. The once confident (mostly) and short adorable nerd they loved, was now a heavily injured quivering, terrified and crying girl.

Taylor sniffled "h-hey y-you guys..." She stammered scared slightly.

Onity had tears in her eyes. "Oh my gosh, Taylor.." Onity ran over to Taylor, and held her hand. Michelle did as well.

Taylor wiped off her tears. "I-Ill be fine..."

"Are youre sure?" Tears started to stream down Onitys face. "Im so sorry, this is my fault..."

"Its fine, Onity.." She whisperered, which broke Onitys heart more.

"Im so.... Soooo sorry.." Onity cried. Michelle cried as well, and they all cried together.


After Taylor got back home, Taylor first decided to get some new wardrobe. She couldnt deal with wearing anything way too cute anymore. She got more jeggings than skirts, and more tees than blouses. Taylor kept her hair up in a ponytail.

It broke Michelles and Onitys heart to watch the change, but they couldnt blame her..

Every night, for at least 2 months, Taylor woke them up because of night mares. Once the guy that did this was sentenced to 50 years in prison, she felt better.

Taylor DID start to get better... Less worried.. More confident.. But she probably would never be the same. One thing though- they never let her go to a party ever again.

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