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Should I write this?

The brine eyed man grinned and peeked through a door in the house, the house SetoSorcerer lived in. The one away from the team. He looked for his brewing room, as he wrote something down in a scroll. He found a room, titled with a sign above the room, 'Brewing'. The man grinned evilly, and walked in.

Seto quickly woke up to the sound of crashing. Bandits and such often came in, looking for items, but he's always got them. Seto quickly teleported to the room it was coming from- the brewing room. Seto slammed the door open, as he saw the room completely dark, and potions continuing to smash.

Seto flung his hand out, sending a purple flame toward the figure. The figure raised a white shield, and the sorcerers magic bounced off. The man looked back, with glowing blank eyes. Setos hand stuttered as his back slammed against the wall. "He-herobrine..." Seto said quietly. He NEVER got this scared. Well, he never knew Herobrine WAS real.

His hand reached for the silent alarm, the one that told team crafted he was in distress, and flicked it. Herobrine growled- he picked up 3 or 4 potions, and slammed them all on him, then Seto dropped to the floor. Poison 2, Nausea 2, Harming 2... Seto coughed up blood, as the potions took full effect.

Herobrine grinned evilly, as he placed the scroll in setos hand. Seto couldn't even feel it, he was in so much pain. Blood came out of any way it could come out of, his head and body hurt like a million Bulls ran over it, the room was spinning 'round.. He didn't even realize the culprit had left. Right before he left though, Setos vision went completely black, though he wasn't asleep. Soon though, he past out.

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