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It hurts. It hurts to live.

Life, it's just a horror. You can't trust a soul.

I haven't quite introduced myself, have I?

I'm Ty. Tyler Ellis to be exact. My life is a living hell.

My mom, she was really sweet. She was basically an Angel. So was my brother. But dad.... He could single handedly cause all the hatred in the world.

And they have. For me. When I was around 10, my mom just... Gave up. Got up and ran. Leaving me here, of course. When my brother, who was 18 at the time, came home, he lost it. The only one keeping him sane, had walked out. He began to beat me, hurting me more, and more. My dads beatings had also dramatically increased also. Soon after, I was also pulled out of school.

I basically became a house maid. I had to make dinner, clean the dishes, clean the rooms, and even sometimes, give them showers. If I didn't?

Twice the beatings.

But around 15, I found the relief of cutting. Cutting is like.... A bittersweet feeling. It hurts. But it also is relieving.

But soon, around 18, I found an Internet friend. We actually never had talked. Never had seen each other's face.

Until that day. That wretched day.

"Get here! Get here you little useless fuck!" My brother yelled. I was up against the wall in my room, shuddering. The door opened, and I yelled.

"Where is my beer?!" He shouted.

"I-I didn't g-get a-any..." Ever since I had turned 16, I had a job, so I had to support the family, so we could eat, pay the bills. I had to get a fake ID to get the beer for those two.

"You useless good for nothing fuck up!" He shouted, throwing me up against my desk. What I didn't know at the time, my hand had conveniently landed on the key on my laptop, and it Skype called him. His name?


I yelped as I got slapped in the face, and as he picked a knife that was in the room.

Fuck, I was supposed to put that in the bathroom.

"You still keep these in your room? Wow, and suicidal also?" He flipped the knifes sharp edge toward me.

"Y-you c-can't h-hurt me more... O-or else n-no money!"

He scoffed, and put the knife in his pocket.

"You are damn well lucky. You best go out and get those beers for me, boy. There's gonna be a party tonight." He laughed as he walked out.

"Oh, and get some razors, maybe!" I shut my eyes as tears came to them, and I pulled a jacket over my long sleeve shirt. I felt so done with this shit.

I walked out, and I didn't notice a quiet voice reverberating, "Ty? Are you alright?"

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