Wanna know my schedule outside of wattpad? XD

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Okay then I'm bored so I'm doing this for ENDERTAINMENT.

(Weekdays, der)

Wake up (6:30-7:00)

Get ready for school (6:30 or 7:00-7:30)

Go to school (7:30-7:50)

Homeroom (7:50-8:10)

Science (8:15- 9:50)

Break (9:50-10:00)

Career Discovery [elective] (10:00-10:30)

Chorus [elective] (10:30-11:00)

Social Studies (11:00-11:50)

Lunch (11:53-12:23)

Social Studies [cont] (12:23-12:45)

Math (12:45-1:55)

Break (1:55-2:00)

Language Arts (2:00-3:00)

|heres where it changes some depending on the days|

|tuesdays and Fridays|

Carriders (3:00-3:15)

Go home (3:15-3:30)

Get ready for dance (3:30-4:00)

Go to dance (4:00-4:15)

Dance (4:15-6:00)

Go home (6:00-6:15)

Homework/study time (6:15-6:30)

iPad time (6:30-9:00)

Talk to Mattie on phone (9:00-9:30)

iPad time (9:30-10:00)

Go to sleep (10:00-10:30)

|mondays and wendsdays|

Carriders (3:00-3:15)

Go home (3:15-3:30)

Homework/study time (3:30-4:00)

iPad time (4:00-9:00)

Talk to Mattie on phone (9:00-9:30)

iPad time (9:30-10:00)

Go to sleep (10:00-10:30)

|thurdays until November (did I mention? IM TRYING OUT FOR ALLSTATE YEAHH)|

Catch express bus to SWLE (3:00-3:30)

Switch bus (3:30-3:40)

Travel to WLHS (3:40-3:55)

Practice for Allstate (it's a singing thing- performance, and only 6% gets in- much less 7th graders.) (3:55-4:30)

Find mom (4:30-4:40)

Go home (4:40-5:10)

Study/homework time (5:10-5:40)

iPad time (5:40-9:00)

Talk to Mattie on phone (9:00-9:30)

iPad time (9:30-10:00)

Go to sleep (10:00-10:30)

***yay im endangered now I gave you all this info XD***

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