The New Boy

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Aromantic (noun is "aromanticism"): lack of romantic attraction towards anyone.

Grayromantic: blanket term for those who fall anywhere in the spectrum between Romantic and Aromantic.

Biromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of two or more genders.

Heteroromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of one gender other than their own.

Homoromantic: romantic attraction towards person(s) of the same gender.

Panromantic: romantic attraction to person(s) of any gender.

Demiromantic: romantic attraction that is only experienced after a close emotional bond has been formed. People who refer to themselves as demiromantic may choose to further specify the gender(s) of those they are attracted to (e.g. demi-homoromantic).

Panromantic and Biromantic are NOT to be confused with each other. Biromantic suggests that you are in love with EITHER gender. Based on male and female, TWO genders. Panromantics, are people who are in love with ALL genders, not based on the Binary system.

And now the sexualities.

Heterosexuality: romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between persons of opposite sex or gender

Bisexuality: romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior toward both males and females

Homosexuality: romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between members of the same sex or gender

Pansexuality, or omnisexuality: sexual attraction, sexual desire, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity

Asexuality (or nonsexuality): the lack of sexual attraction to anyone, or low or absent interest in sexual activity

Pansexuality and Bisexuality are also not to be confused, for the reasons listed above again.

Okay, so I believe in four types of love.

Friendly love- the type of love we have for our friends.

Sexual love- well. Sex.

Family love- the type of love we have for our family.

Romantic love- the type of love we have for our boyfriends or girlfriends :P

I wrote this as a reference for my new chapter of TNB, so you people who haven’t been informed can be more well informed :P I am demi-biromantic asexual, which means I only fall in love with people who I know well, girl or boy, and asexual, not interested in sex at all.


The parts not in bold are written by Wikipedia :P


That’s all :D Ima get off the computer now, its 1AM xD

PS: I updated today cause Imma be gone tomorrow :P

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