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Sorry that TSotB (The Story of the Bulgarians) hasnt been updated- I have 600 words written, but then I realized I had a project due, and now I have a horrible headache. I had a group with 3 people, but they told me to type everything *Throws papers* not like thats a problem, I can type well, but staring at paper then screen for about an hour can hurt your eyes. I had to make minor changes, 'cause sometimes they cant spell real good... well I cant spell really good all the time so um xD

Well Im just gonna show you what I had to do :P

Ecosystem Project- [Redacted]

We chose the Fairview Park Hospital pond for this project. The Fairview pond has lots of wildlife and trees. The abiotic factors would be sunlight, temperature, oxygen, water, and soil. Some of the biotic factors are fish- a population of about fifty, squirrels, a population of about twenty, about 2 hawks, trees, a populations of about sixty, and about 120 ladybugs. Also about four ducks, tadpoles with a population of about twenty, and finally, gnats have a populations of 10,000! There are so much more, it's so incredible!
Say we have about fifty fish at the Fairview pond. Twelve fish were pregnant, each having four offspring. We would now have a population of about eighty-six fish. Then, 10 older fish die, to make it about 76 and then, ten more were recently eaten by a hawk, making the population about sixty-six. And with emigration and immigration (aka, kids throwing new fish in,) we would then end up having about 63 in the end.
Four of the limiting factors for birds and fish are interesting. If the fish die, then then the birds have to fight over the fewer amount of fish. If trees are cut down, birds fight over living space loss. If the top of the pond freezes over, birds cannot get to the fish and have to fight over little bugs and are still left hungry. When the seasons change, the birds fly away.
The peppered moth can either be light or dark colored. If it is light colored, it can easily blend in with oak trees, making them be not as noticeable by predators. If it is dark, it can still blend in easily- with the pine trees, also, making them be not as noticeable.
This paragraph is about predator-prey combinations. Like the bird and the fish combination- more fish, less birds fight, less fish, more birds fight. Frogs and gnats- more gnats, less frogs fight, less gnats, more frogs fight. Also, the hawks and the turtles- the more turtles, the less hawks fight, the less turtles, the more hawks fight.
A niche is the role of an organism in their habitat- or how they makes their living. We're going to describe the niche of a frog. A frog eats flies and other insects. To eat those insects, they reach their tongues out and catch the insect, then eat them. Frogs reproduce by the male frog climbing on the female's back and fertilizes the eggs as they are laid. The female covers the eggs with a jelly-like substance that causes the eggs to float to the water's surface. Most frogs need to lay their eggs in water. Each female lays thousands of eggs at a time in slimy masses. And snakes eat frogs to obtain their energy.
What follows is a Pond Food Web.

-_-Something I have to draw out-_-

There are three symbiotic relationships. They are mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism. An example of mutualism is a bee and a flower. An example of commensalism is a bird living in a tree. And a example of parasitism is a tick on a dog. Those are examples of the symbiotic relationships.
There are six kingdoms and they are bacteria, archaea, protists, fungi, plants, and animals. Two examples of bacteria are blue Bacteria and green bacteria. There is no Archaea found in this area. Two examples of protists are an amoeba and algae. Two examples of fungi are mushrooms and mold. Two examples of plants are grass and trees. Also two examples of animals are fish and frogs. Those are examples of the six kingdoms.
Unicellular cells are organisms made of a single sell. For example, an amoeba and green algae are unicellular organisms found in a pond. Multicellular cells are organisms that consists of many cells. For example, water spiders and flatworms are multicellular organisms found in ponds. Those are examples of multicellular and unicellular organisms.
For our autotrophs, we had algae and trees. Autotrophs are organisms that make their own food. Moles and turtles are our heterotrophs. Heterotrophs are organisms that eat another organism for food.
Photosynthesis is the process that plants go through when using carbon dioxide and sunlight to make food. Therefore, since this is only photosynthesis, for our organisms who do photosynthesis is grass and pine trees. Respiration is the process in which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain. For our organisms that do respiration, we have bull frogs and beetles.
A decomposer is an organism that breaks down waste and dead organisms to return energy to the ecosystem. An example for a decomposer is an earthworm.
An angiosperm is a member of the plant group characterized by having ovules enclosed in an ovary. On the other hand, a gymnosperm is quite different. They are any plant such as a conifer whose seeds are not enclosed in an ovary. An example for an angiosperm is an oak tree. A gymnosperm is a pine tree.
A producer is an organism that makes their own food. Grass is an example of a producer. A consumer is an organism that obtains energy by feeding on another organism. A goose is a consumer.
There are four different types of consumers in an ecosystem: an herbivore, a carnivore, an omnivore, and a scavenger. Two examples of herbivores are a earthworm and a tadpole. Carnivores are dragonflies and snakes. Two Omnivores are a minnow and a raccoon. And finally, two scavengers are catfish, and hawks.
This was our project on Fairview Park Hospital Pond's ecosystem. We hope you enjoyed.



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