Im really getting depressed by now...

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SETOOOO? Where are you? Are you really in space? Ive been missing him, since I came back to youtube (yeah, I had to quit it for several months, as my grades were dropping) at the beginning of summer, I've been waiting for that one update video.

That one, maybe even a second long video.

It doesn't matter how long it is, just to say you're alive. That you didn't go to abergitory for Suicide. Please, Seto, come back. 600k people miss you. If it wasn't for my 2 best friends, I would've probably cut. My friends cousin went on a hunger strike (not eating for a day) and a crying strike (crying til your eyes are really red and puffy) because of you being gone and the TC problem.

(hating on Mitch.)

And to think, TC basically started this. Or should I call it, The Power Moves Squad. Mitchell Hughes. He caused half of this. He started the vote of kicking Seto out. Which caused him to go into a depression. And people started hating him for basically being kicked out of TC. Mitch. Damn, I hate that dude now. He's the one who caused this.


I hope Ty was just kidding about him being in space, as I sometimes think space as Heaven.

I am hoping we will see Seto again. I hope that he comes back. Maybe on Christmas or thanksgiving.. A true Christmas present, or a true thanksgiving.

It's school again, so around 3 months he's been gone. I can't help but think the worst has happened. I mean, I have 80+ other youtubers i sub too, but Seto. He's different from the rest. He makes me think I can do anything. No offense, but most of the rest just.. I don't get anything from watching their videos. Setos on the other hand, can bring comedy and teaching of minecraft together.

I love every map he does.

I love every mini mod he does.

I love every mini game he does.

I love his laugh.

I love his gameplay.

I love absolutely everything he does. He is perfectly imperfect.

Ya see, at school, I get picked on everyday. Ugly, loner, crazy (in a bad way), wierd (in a bad way), good girl, and everything. I'm treated like absolute SHIT at school. And I only have Mattie and Rhiannon at school.(@TopSecretCarter and @mustachegirl2001) I live in the middle of nowhere. Just me, My mom, and my dad. I seek comfort in games, and here. You don't know how good it makes me feel to read your comments, get your votes, see those reads, and get those follows. It makes me feel WANTED. Like I'm not the piece of trash I always feel like I am.

Also, I seek comfort in youtube videos. Back last year, when I was allowed to use youtube, I would wach Seto everyday. But now, I've watched every single one of his videos 3 times at least. I would watch him forever if I could.

Okay, sorry about the rant. I just had to get it out, I'm getting really depressed now. And I'm banned from Mattie's house, from my dad. I just shot a fucking shotgun! And Rhiannon's parents are overprotective slightly. So I'm having a really tough time. That'll be it for now, and I'll see you all later. I think.

Lol jk, you will see me later :D bai.

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