Sad Jereler

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/'Im sorry, Jeremy...'/

Jeremy sobbed quietly, looking down at the tombstone. Why did Tyler have to go to work that night? Why not himself instead? Tyler had so much, while he believed he had nothing to live for, except for Tyler himself, who had just died. "Why did those burglars have to get in.." Jeremy sobbed quietly.

Tyler stood above his grief stricken friend, and wanted to hug him, though whenever he tried, his arms went straight through Jeremy, and tears streaked down his own face. God, he just wanted to talk to Jeremy. He felt so bad about leaving him alone. Tyler said softly into his friends ear,

'Im sorry Jeremy.'

Jeremy heard it, and he shivered slightly and turned around, to see nothing. He sighed and stood up. -Great, now Im hearing things!- Jeremy thought. But the words echoed in his head, as he wiped his eyes.

Tyler smiled weakly, and turned away. 'God, I love you so much, Jeremy.'

But those words were lost to Jeremy, while the others flooded his head. He sighed and got on his bicycle and pedaled back to his small and cruddy appartment.

'Im sorry, Jeremy.'


I came up with this while bored out of my mind :P how is it?

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