I'll be Your Pillow | Jereler

39 3 6

Ship- Jereler
Words- 500
Prompt- 'imagine your OTP+  making a giant nest of pillows and blankets and cuddling in it. Or having sex in it, whatever' (no smut lmao)
Catagory- Fluffity fluff fluff yo

Jeremy had just went for a walk in the cold brisk air of winter, and when he walked into the house, he was greeted by the warm, cinnamon-y smell of the house. He went upstairs to get changed, but he was welcomed with a messy room, all things off the bed.

His eyes scanned the room- he thought this was the work of a pranker, or something, until he caught glimpse of a figure standing under a bedsheet and he sighed.

"Tyleeerrrrr!" Jeremy pouted, "why'd you take all the stuff off the bed? Geez, you think someone can go for a walk for five minutes.." Jeremy half heartedly got onto Tyler.

"One, you were gone precisely 7 minutes and 27 seconds, when I heard you open the front door, Jere! and two, I wanted to make a pillow fort! Downstairs, in the living room!" Tyler fakily pouted and whined. "You KNOW I wanna just watch some anime with youuuu!" He grins, and Jeremy sighed half heartedly, but then grinned.

"Lemme get changed first."

A few minutes later, Jeremy came out from the bathroom, in a green sweater and grey sweat pants, and Tyler was already getting dragging everything down the stairs. "Tyler, youre gonna pull the lamp off the table!" Jeremy said, pushing the lamp on the table back, as it was almost toppling off.

"Jere!" Tyler jumped up, wearing a red sweater just a bit too big for him, black sweatpants and white socks, and his big, nerdy glasses. He was also holding two pillows. "Wanna slide down the stairs?" He grinned. "Tyler thats not-!" Tyler covered his mouth.

"Shhhhh screw safety."

He made Jere sit on one of the pillows, and pushed him down, and he screamed slightly as he slid down the stairs. He made it down the whole way unscathed, and stopped safely before he hit the door. "WASNT THAT FUN?!" Tyler grinned and Jere rolled his eyes and got up, and then Tyler slid down- however when he did it, Tyler didnt stop before he hit the door, and hit the door, and Jeremy ran over.

"TYLER ARE YOU OKAY?!" He yelped and Tyler laughed "of course Im fine! Now lets just build the fort." Tyler grinned, and got up. Jeremy grinned and followed Tyler into the living room, where they built the fort.

Jeremy turned on the TV, and got to Netflix, and turned around to see there were no pillows for anyone to lay down on.

"Tylerrrr, theres no pillows for us to lay down on!" He pouted as Tyler walked in with popcorn.

"Okay! I'll be your pillow, then!" Tyler grinned and laid down, folding one behind his head, sticking his other arm out, and motioned for Jeremy to lay down. Jeremy smiled and cuddled into his chest, and Tyler wrapped his arm around him.

"So, what are we watching?"

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