Y'know, ive noticed...

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I've noticed, and I bet you guys have to, my adittute to life has changed a lot over the past few months. And I think I have all of you to thank. It makes me so happy you guys like my books- enough to follow, vote and comment. And already nearly 100 after 6 months? That is amazing.

When I started this, didn't I seem less lively? Like, always really sad? Well, if you haven't noticed, I have become more lively and friendly, and willing to help.

I also have my 3 irl friends to thank. They got me through this also :)

Now I have a question for you guys. For my 6 month wattiversity, what do you guys want? Maybe one day this week, we could do a meet up in minecraft? But you guys decide what you want.

For my 100 Follow celebration (when it happens XD) im going to be doing a contest, probably a Q&A here, and do you guys want anything else? You guys decide!

Thanks for reading this quick little update thingamabob. XD I HOPE you enjoyed this.

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