Gunshots | Onimikeler

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Title- Gunshots
Ship- onimikeler


It was 4am, and Onity wished it hadnt come down to this.
Onity tried to calm his inner demons, but at times, when he cant sleep, he cant help himself.
Mike had been out late at night, doing god knows what- he was almost to the door, when he saw his Nonhuman boyfriend step out of the house. Onity looked his way. Onity's mind didnt communicate with his body as he lunged at Mike, his claws coming out. Mike let out a scream as Onitys claws dug through his stomach.

Tyler woke up with a jolt when he heard a scream. The outer edges of the bed felt cold, and Tyler jumped up, and grabbed the hand gun they had on the wall just in case something happened.

Tyler ran outside, and saw two figures. One looked like they were fighting the other, and he couldnt tell who they were, as morning was just breaking and he couldnt quite see that far without his glasses.

Tyler shot blindly, however, and he heard blood splatter, so he cringed, hoping it didnt kill his target, but got him to stop.

Tyler went to grab his glasses and a flash light, but when he got back out with the flashlight, when he turned it on, he was horrified and dropped it.

The two figures laid there, one mangled, one with a shot gun bullet through the back of the head.

And worse, it was Onity and Mike.

Tyler collapsed, and held the gun still in his grasp, and sobbed. How could he had been so oblivious? He was such a moron... Tyler shakily held the gun to his head. "13.." then a loud shot was heard.

It was 5am.

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