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Hey guys, im sorry there hasnt been much activity lately... I feel really bad about it, and I wanna get back in the groove of being on here a lot again, but I have a lot of my time taken up as of right now.

I havent quite been feeling myself lately... Its strange. I cant focus too much, just feeling like a whole different person occasionally... Like people are out to get me... And finals are in like, 12 days, and i just got done with my GA Milestones. Ive also been really preoccupied with skype and friends, and drama at school, worrying about where Ill be in 10 years, worrying about my parents/familys impending deaths, about if my parents are about to get devorced, if my mom has cancer... Fear if my dads gonna hurt me... And depression is right on me again. Voices... Echoing in my head.

Then I just get on skype and blast music to hopefully get it out of my head..

I know these are flimsy reasons, but theyre the truth- ill try to get myself together, i promise.

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